Sorry guys
I thought after 3 days I was being ignored or looked at as some kind of crack pot.
I could see where lots of folks looked at it but did not reply.
I did give a lot of thought to the idea of electric power transmission from the wind mill but with long distance losses, batteries,inverters, etc. I have come to the conclusion that a direct coupled hydraulic system would work better.
I realise that this system could only put some heat under the slab but it should put 4 times as much as a straight heat resistance type and some heat is better than no heat!
On a day I want to use the shop a wood fire could make up the difference.
Since the compressor speed is totally dependant on wind speed it would be very hard to calculate any thing.
Just going to get more heat on a windy day!
How do you work out how much oil would be required?
Maybe I could mount the compressor directly to the wind mill and just run a line set from there to the shop.
would enough oil go up the tower to keep the compressor happy?
Is there some new kind of oil that replaces the pag oil that is better for the 134a?
Here in Canada we have a store that sells tube type heat exchangers for cooling hydraulics and look to have roughly the same amount of tubing as the car ones do but the tubes are in parrallel.
I was hoping I could play with a high pressure needle valve instead of the fixed orfice or thermal valve some cars use.
any thoughts or pros and cons?
Thanks again and I will behave now!