Quote Originally Posted by Gary View Post
Morality cannot be subjective.

Imagine a world where everyone is born color blind. You would mention color, and everyone would say, "Huh?????"

Similarly, the very concept of morality must have it's basis in human instinct or you would mention morality, and everyone would say, "Huh?????"

The very concept of morality cannot exist without an objective basis and that basis must be instinctive.

When attacked by a fellow human, we automatically judge the morality of his actions. When attacked by an animal, we make no such moral value judgement. Morality is a human thing.
Gary, you are absolutely right. The only problem is that for every human, there is a different definition of morality and so you will never get consensus on the LAWS that all will deem necessary. This is why we must compromise, swallow our pride for some of those laws and move on. As I said before, humility is lacking amongst us humans.
Pride goeth before a fall, as they say