Quote Originally Posted by Emmett View Post
There is too many of us, 80% of fish in the see are gone (to the point now that some fisherman are selling lesser species as more desirable ones because the good ones are not there any more), Almost every disease is on the rise. And we don't think we have an effect????????

What makes you so certain that "WE" are the cause?
That is pretty simple. I assume that you are saying that climate change happens anyway. Yes it does, but never as fast as in the last century. Not even close. As I said above somewhere, the scientists make these conclusions by consensus therefore the reports must be middle of the road as you will always find someone who will believe things happen faster or slower. These scientists are from all disciplines, all countries with all ideologies and there is 10,000 or more of them.

These people ARE the experts in their fields, why, if they put through thoroughly vetted reports, should we not believe them.....the only reason I can think of is that we just don't want to. Either because it is too hard for our fragile egos to accept that we capable of it or because it is not in our current financial interest to accept it (maybe we just pine for the good old days).

Every report in the last 20 years stated the earth temp and co2 would rise by X amount and every subsequent one has said "oh I am sorry, it seems we were a bit low on the last prediction, it's rising more". And if there s dis agreement, it not about the basic understanding of climate change, it's about how much or how little the projections will be.

So, yes I am certain that we are the cause. Remember, we are the ones who make tools, we are the ones who mine mineral, burn oil and make dams in China that cause local major seismic activity. Not the apes or the whales. We are also the only species who is capable of wiping out whole other species within a few years and we breed like rabbits, no.