I have a lot of time for animals, i sponsor an animal sanctuary and have a couple of rescue dogs and a half share in a pony! I find it easy to be compassionate for animals as even if they have harmed me i don' think they have the, inteligence is not the right word as they are as bright as they need to be, maybe ego is a better description, they don't have an ego that leads to the harm. No dog would bite you because it thought you disrespected it for example.
I am working on having more compassion and understanding for my fellow humans as even when they harm me, even when its ego led, its also due to causes and conditions, in other circumstances we could have been friends, no person is inherantly bad (excepting people who have serious mental conditions and such and even here there are causes and conditions).

I have respect for all forms of life, yesterday i got an odd look from a customer as i rescued a beetle that was walking about where it would likely get squished.

Who knows i may well be a beetle next time round if i'm lucky enough
