Quote Originally Posted by MikeHolm View Post
The biggest point here is that there are two ways to look at a problem like this......one is to say "ban it as it shows some evidence of hurting people" or the opposite which is not to ban it until it is proven to hurt people. Most corporations like the second one so they can sell smokes to minors knowing that the time it takes to actually prove something is a long time and takes a lot of money (and screws up the health system).

BTW, what caused my cancer when I was 35, according to the pathology report, was the fire retardant put into McDonalds deep fat frying oil that went into my hash brown potato every morning for 5 years. Apparently it is a carcinogen. haven't had one since
I still think you can not ban something - we all need the right to choose - I smoke yet I know odds are stacked against me living to old age, breathing perfect, many smokers last breaths are not good and thats if your lungs dont succomb to the big 'C'

Your second bit mate, Sorry to here that Mike, that really is wrong, very wrong...cant imagine what you been through, especially knowing they caused it, have had minor, just skin and that was worrying enough at the time, it does not matter how level headed you are, thats a hard thing to hear...Do hope you totally clear now mate

As pathology was conclusive hope they had to pay you plenty too (even though money is never enough)

R's chillerman

ps: your still looking young mate