
I think it is common knowledge I work as a trainer and assessor within the fridge industry.

I never hide that fact and I alway try to keep a ballenced opinion and attitude.

I'm not totaly convinced about what causes Climate Change.

Maybe the world is going through a cycle and it is totaly natural, maybe it is mankind
causeing the problems. If I'm honest I think it is a combination of both factors (natural and human),
but whatever the causes it will not affect most of us here on this forum or in our lifetimes.

If it is happening then it will be our kids, kids (grandchildren) that will have to deal with it.

So do we say "sod you I have had a good life rapeing the world and now I'm off somewhere
better" You can deal with the crap I leave behind, or do we say "maybe I'm at fault here and
maybe I can do somthing about it".

Us doing somthing about it costs us money, not lives, just money. If we do sod all and we are
to blame, well what then??? If we do sod all and we are not to blame???

I don't think there is one answer and there is deffinately not one solution, but doing nothing
will not help! Doing somthing costs us money!

Gary we have had discussions like this in the past and we agreed to disagree for the most part
and although I respect your view I think it is tainted by a bigger mistrust of anyone in authority.

Nobody in authority can prove to you anything other than what you know and I think that has
more to do with other things not only climate change.

I'm not nieve enough to know that big bussness and politics are a key player in the descisions
being made and I know that all descissions made are not for the best of reasons, but and there
is always a but.

BUT if we are a liitle bit responsible for the way the world is and we can affect it by a little, doing
the right thing, then that only costs us money. In a hundred years it will cost lives.

Think about the practicalities of 1 billion people being forced to moved around the world because
their part of the world is flooded or too arid to support life. Where will they live????

Most people in Westernised countries with stable political governments will not be affected.
It is the poorest and most unstable countries that will be affected the most.

And I repeat at the moment it is only costing money....

Not an answer most agree with and I have no answers that will save the planet, but if I know of ilegal
practices I will express my dissatisfaction to those concerned and ultimately the opption to report is there.

If mandatory qulifications brings the standard of my trade up that can only be for the good.
I have been in my trade for more than 30 years and I have seen so many changes both good and bad,
but the one overiding factor that realy scares me is then down skilling of the industry and the lack
of ability in some so called proffesionals.

