You will need speed in supply and service #1. Use what you have guaranteed access to locally.
Compatibility of systems has also got to be paired with #1 for priority.

Efficiency has to run a close #1. You have to keep overhead as low as possible to maintain profit and competitive edge.

Dependability is right there with Efficiency. If you have delays that can't be resolved ASAP your customers will give you even more headaches than you already have.

Your engineering and planning firm is concerned with their future too, they won't willingly or knowingly recommend something that's out of line with reality. If they go out on a limb on any recommendations and the future shows they were not up to snuff, they loose reputability. It's great that you're doing your own research, but when you present your ideas, present them as you wanting to learn why such and such isn't recommended, not as 'I think this might be better'. You can allow the firm to educate you or you can intimidate them. You don't want to intimidate them and they should be more than willing to educate someone who comes across as very willing to learn.