Post of 24 February 2012 of Mechanicalman (one of his/her 27 posts only about Endocube) : "We do have an interest. we have recently started as a dealer representative. but we want to know more on rack systems and not just walk-ins do you know of any application in supermarkets? as the only information we have received is from Europe and not the U.S
So again...sales talk and not real life figures. He/she even admits that they don't have figures for the US for racks. We all have to agree..the only thing that certainly works better then their gel-filled box is their marketing machine. But then again, it all seems for me brain-washed yuppies not aware of the basics of thermodynamics and the working principles of a compressor and a refrigeration plant in general. If it was that good, then we all should have seen it everywhere.