Quote Originally Posted by Andy AC View Post
Went to look at a calorex heat pump today, not working since so called swimming pool expert had paid a visit last week and dosed the pool with neat chemicals. Home owner told us what he had done and took us round to the pool to show us the damage to the pool liner caused by the chemical. Also on the surface there was an oily scum. I went into the pool shed took the heat pump apart, pricked the suction schrader with a screwdriver and out squirted pool water The chemical ate through the heat exchanger and deposited refrigerant gas and oil throughout the pool. The homeowners kids came out a funny colour too but after a good shower, they seemed to be alright and so far, no ill effects .This incompetence of the pool man has wrecked the pool liner, heat pump,filter etc. etc. Home owner not too pleased with pool man, as you could imagine, its going to cost thousands to put right. I'm also a bit cheesed off as it was only a few months ago since we struggled like hell to replace the heat exchanger and get the thing working properly


You'll NEVER find a home owner that will admit to not keeping an close eye on both the PH and chemical levels in his/her pool. You can destroy even a cupronickel hxer in less than a week with a bad PH or out of balance pool.
I've seen 316L Shed. 80 fittings wrotted out in 6 months with 'supposedly' well monitored pool water. The ocean side water fittings were in relatively new shape