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    Re: XRV204-110 Major overhaul video

    Quote Originally Posted by RANGER1 View Post
    All these machines are about cleaning & detail for reliable operation.
    Also check & double check everything ( Tycho indicates this in video).
    If checks not carried out it goes pear shaped pretty quickly.
    The XRV's are stonecrushers, they will grind through rock and suck liquid refrigerant and sound like they enjoy it, but it will scare the bejeebus out of any refrigeration mechanic standing next to them.

    Especially the ones that run on VFD. My preference is that no XRV should run lower than 2400 rpm.

    I have had a few commissions where the compressor were to be run at 1200 rpm.
    IMHO at 1200 rpm even the XRV compressor is an oil pump an not a compressor.

    Anyway, we started the plant, the compressor sounded nice (for pumping oil)
    after the warmup time the slidevalve stared increasing
    all was good until it reached 25% and the compressor sounded like it was chewing itself to pieces *GRRRRR" but then it increased to 30% and it was all quiet again.

    So I learned "don't be alarmed if an XRV makes a sound like it's chewing itself to pieces"
    it's just the slidevalve finding it's place ;D

    or most important, act cool and don't let the owner/client see that you are nervous if the compressor is making sounds you are not comfortable with

    Just look at the client and smile and say "this is good stuff" while you ever so slightly move your hand towards the emergency stop button, and inside you hope that the PLC guy has added all the correct limits.... then the slidevalve moves from 25% to 30% and it goes from sounding like it is going to shake itself to pieces to sounding like a purring kitten, and you are still looking at the client, and the shakily lowering your arm from near the emergency stop that's the life of commissioning an XRV, 1800 rpm no less, they can run at 1200, but not recommended
    Last edited by Tycho; 31-03-2023 at 01:19 AM.


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