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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Manchester England
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    A Question About Mitsi G50 Controller

    Hi Guys,

    I installed a vrv system 6 months ago. it has a g50 controller. the client asked that i put the system in to 2 groups. in one group i had addresses 1 -5 the area was pretty much open plan.
    They required 3 remote controllers fitted in this open plan area. I set the g50 up for timeclock so it comes on at 6.00 and goes off at 1800 hours.

    When the workers attend work the units are working but if they change the temp up or down on two of the three remotes it reverts back to the temp on the lowest address remote controller. basically there is no point in two out the three remotes being there.

    anyone know why the units can not be controlled independently if they have a remote during the day?

    Thanks moondawn

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Warwickshire UK
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    Re: A Question About Mitsi G50 Controller

    You have a clash between the group setup at the G50 & the local groups set with the local remote controllers.
    Assume you have 30v d/c remote controllers with an Mnet address.
    If units 1 to 5 are all in an open plan area & need to be one group as set at the G50 then they should only have one remote controller address 01. It will have equal control of all 5 units with the group control of all 5 units at the G50.

    But if the customer wants 3 remote controllers then you need to match those 3 local groups as set with the remote control address settings with exactly the same 3 group address settings at the G50.

    Another possibilty is that one remote controller is controling all 5 indoor units & the other 2 controllers are controlling some indoor units each.
    Then when a new setting is made at the one controling all five it also changes the setting at the other 2 remote controls.

    Read up the service manual.
    Use the engineers mode on the remote controllers to find out what units each remote controller is controling.
    Make any changes & then reconfigure the group address settings at the G50 to match the local settings.

    Remember always make the G50 group settings exactly the same as the local remote control groups to prevent any control clash.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Manchester England
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    Re: A Question About Mitsi G50 Controller

    hi thermatec

    yes the remote which has control over the others is address 01. So basically cos all five units are in one group, the open plan area will be controlled by the lowest address number which is remote 01.
    The other Remotes will look to work, so you can change settings on the remote. but they will soon revert back to what address 01 is set to.

    So for them to work with individual remotes they have to be grouped at the g50 is that right?

    thanks moondawn

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