BBC TV's Adam Hart-Davis has thrown down a challenge to all budding inventors, scientists and model makers across the country; whether they are beginners, families, enthusiasts or experts. The Challenge is to create a model - preferably a working model - of a machine that helped to drive the Industrial Revolution. To kick start the creative process, the boffins from the Ironbridge Gorge Museum in Shropshire will be holding special free workshops on Saturday 2nd August and Sunday 3rd August next to their Design and Technology Centre, Enginuity.
Visitors will be able to gain inspiration from a wide range of resources, both real and virtual, as well as gaining helpful tips on building prototypes. Whilst the workshops are free of charge, normal admission prices apply for guests wanting to visit the museums.
Would-be inventors are invited to register their creations by 31st August and join Adam at his televised 'Industrial Revolution Road Show' at Enginuity on September 28th, where he and a panel of experts will judge the various machines. On the day there will also be a huge inter-family contest along with all kinds of Industrial Revolution paraphernalia. Tickets will be available from 25th August from the BBC Industrial Revolution Road Show Information Line, on a first come first served basis.
What sort of machines is Adam looking for? The Industrial Revolution produced steam engines; the first canals in Britain; proper road-making; the first agricultural technology, and all sorts of industrial inventions like the flying shuttle, mechanical cotton-spinners and the powered loom for weaving the cotton. Also new were copying machines; gas lighting; steam powered cars, locomotives, and boats; the electric motor; the first photographs; the mechanical telegraph; the parachute and the kaleidoscope. What's more, Adam suggests that people might like to give their models an innovative twist and be brought up to date, showing how they might be used to solve a 21st century problem.
For additional information about Adam's Challenge check out the website, or email your questions to For information regarding the Ironbridge workshops call the Tourist Information Centre on 01952 432166.