Those nice people at Sabroe UK have informed me that they can no longer supply oil filter cartridges for the SMC \ TSMC range of machines.

They now supply a conversion kit, (at too bloody much plus postage and packing), that now boasts what is in effect a nut and bolt catcher, (aka "a strainer"). When asked if said "filter" matched the spec of the original filter, they said they will get back to me (ominous, I thought), and I am still waiting.

As I wish to keep my mains and shells nice and shiny, I do not fancy fitting the nut and bolt catcher and wondered if anyone has found a source for the pleated paper filters.

I suspect "rationalisation" at work here, (aka "cutting costs"), plus they probably hope to sell more bearings into the bargain.

Had the same with the shaft seals. "Oh yes, we don't do them anymore. You need one of these plus a conversion kit at £800". Well, I sourced shaft seals to deal with that problem ok, so now I am looking to do the same with oil filters.

I have done a websearch using the markings on the cartridge but not ocome up with anything useful.

Any ideas?

