M#: ICE1406FA5
S/N: 140б128011221

Customer complaint of malformed ice and water dripping into the bin.

* The machine was pretty moldy and calcified and the water filter was only allowing a couple of psi of water pressure through.
* The ice in the bin was a mixture of normal cubes and blocks of over frozen cubes that wouldn't drop when they were the correct size.
* Changed the filter and disassembled and thoroughly cleaned everything.
* Started the ice mode, hooked up gauges and watched.
* Suction line pressure was about 35 psi max. Head pressure was 225+ with an ambient of 68° ( I should have recorded the actual data )
* Right side froze and harvested normally in about 15 minutes ( timed it later after making changes )
* Left evap only freezing about 1/2 way up.
* Inlet and outlet temps of the left evap refrigerant lines were colder than the right evap.
* Tapped the TXV to see if the pressures would change. They did not.
* Added refrigerant at intervals and watched results. As refrigerant was added the line temps between the left and right evaps became closer to equal. At "final charge" the temps were averaging the same with the right side only slightly colder than the left.
* When I wrapped up for the night the left side was forming a full sheet with approx 1/8" bridge & the harvest assist was not breaking through the sheet, like when it was thin, but while the harvest time for the right side was normal, the left side took another 56 seconds to drop, dropping very slowly, and the purge ended right after the right side dropped causing water to fully run over the left side loosening ice and running into the bin.
* Hot gas temps felt the same at both evap inlet tubes when harvest first initiated. After the right side harvest assist cam shut off it's hot gas bypass valve the left evap inlet seemed a little cooler than it had been.
* Right now the pressures were left too high at 46 & 418
* I plan on returning tomorrow, dumping the charge and recharging by weight and collecting more data.
* I believe the TXV is the fault for the decreased performance of the left evap but I'm confused on why the harvest is taking so long on that side.
** I'll edit the post as I learn what I've left out.