I have been a member of your website for 3weeks now in hope of being able to
chat to someone online regarding a small problem i have. Unfortunately, I am
always the only person in the chat room.
This is why I have decided to contact you, in hope that you can help me out.

I am a 3rd year Architecture student from University College London.
Currently I am designing a butchers shop.

The design of the building revolves around the concept of using the heat
created by a 12m high cooling 'tower', to heat the main living spaces. I
have proposed using individual condensers and coils of varying sizes to heat
the rooms, acting like oversized fireplaces.

Is this idea feasable ?
Is there any technical data you could send my way to help me out?

I have a end of term evaluation in 2 days, so would appreciate a quick
Thank you for your time.

Nicholas Wood

PS: Approx vol. of fridge = 120m3