it all started with the heater dying in my car, but if it is warm enough the car has a heat pump not as warm but hey it is heat! this happens at any thing above -12c. this morning happened to be -15c, no problem I'll take my truck to work! I just fixed the fuel pump, rebuilt my starter and tested the glow plugs!

Turn the key **Glow plug error** ok wth?! try again same thing, so now I have a dead truck a frozen car, go to phone work let them know I'll be late as I'll need to use a space heater to melt the car, the bloody phone is broken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dug out a spare phone, melted the car out enough I could see through the windshield and got to work an hour late!

Petrol won't fix it but would be bloody satisfying!

So now I have pulled every glow plug, 2 dead harness well past due, fabricated a new harness and 2 new plugs will be at the shop tomorrow! hope fully finish the harness by then too! then I can use the 30 litres of petrol for my genset! instead of burning it all to the hell forsaken ground!