As some of you know we fitted an ASHP system back in 2009, and let's be generous and say it didn't go too well
Well we're sure some of you will think us insane, and after all the stress that's very possible TBH, but we've just finished the install of pretty much the same system...... but this time by a company that knows what it's doing!

It took a good few letters to the old company, thank you to those who helped, but we eventually got a refund in early 2012 of more than the original purchase price.
Not a profit, as the extra money had been spent many times over in modifications and ridiculous bills, so we eventually ended up about £3k out of pocket when all is added up. We can live with that, it was an education.

This time around there's a marked difference not only in the quality of installation but in the knowledge of the company that carried it out
Now I'm a bit anal about neat pipe work and wiring, but the attention to detail of the installation engineers made my work look untidy, to the point where they actually re did an electric meter mounting to better fit with the scheme.
They also put in the hours, first day - 0800 to 2230 (!), second and third days - 0800 to 1800.
I'm not going to embarrass them by name, the "heat pump guru" and his sidekick (LOL) know it is much appreciated

Misubishi has even supplied and fit it's own monitoring equipment to make sure everything is good this time around. Kudos to them for getting involved. It's a win win deal, they get monitoring data from a holiday home in the frozen north, we get a massive safety net if something goes a bit wonky
It couldn't have worked out better for us.

A few pictures Pumps/