Hi all, I'm posting this hoping to get a bit of feedback from those that matter and not just by committee. I make no secret of the fact that I work for Pentland Wholesale and weigh in on here now and again if people are struggling to find manuals or parts etc, never knowingly trying to directly sell anything to anybody! We are currently in the beginning stages of compiling a new catalogue for our spares division Pentland Parts, and I would love to hear any suggestions from engineers or people that might and do use parts catalogues already, so we send out something you find easy to read and easy to use.

We have a lot of experienced engineers already weighing in, but I'd love to canvas opinion further afield. So if you have any suggestions or comments that might help us help you, I'd really appreciate hearing them guys.

Again, apologies if this comes across as a bit salesy (?) but I'm really not trying to hawk anything! Just want to publish something people will read, I'm a firm believer as many of you are that a good product and service will sell itself. So please leave comments here, DM me or e-mail me direct at adam.dore@pentlandwholesale.co.uk or even visit the website www.pentlandparts.co.uk and fill in the contact form. All suggestions are really appreciated, and I might see if I can twist someones arm here to sort a few prizes for the best ones!

Cheers guys, hope to hear from y'all soon.