They dishing out air conditioners like plates of curry these days.......

What an "astute" distributor must understand that he supplies to a bona fide installers only.......

And............provide the technical back up, so the installer knows the product inside out, rather then rely on basic refrigeration principles to work things out.

You could be fitting an LG one day, see an offer for Hitachi the next day.........anf fit a couple of them........

Wrong..............!!! In my book the supplier who invests in a decent training course backed up with proper easy to comprehend technical the winner.

I know Mitshibishi, Daikin, Tosh all have training centres.........

The economy brands................not yet, yet the bleating and beating of their chests is thumping loud............

I am going to vote with my cheque book..............

Next time , if you are a rep and you come to me armed with a pile of glossy catalogues..............

Before you take one step further...............Show me your technical manuals......... Tell me what trouble shooting on your product is available and where..........

A man sat on the desk somewhere is not good enough for me.

I happened to meet a couple of installing companies from the South West in London the other day........

All echoed the same................Yes, we are all installing lots of 410 a Stuff.................but we dont understand the frigging things...............

Like did you know................You must have minimum 4 metre seperation between indoor and outdoor units...........on certain brands.........

Training is the key...................In Marketing terms, I couldnt emphasise the value of a training program........

I would rather take out a girl on a date if I knew what she was like............instead of going on a hot date with a pretty lass with a nice face and beautiful scanty dress..........only to find out later she picks her nose............