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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
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    We all know Ammonia Kills Engineers. (Please read it may save someone!)

    Everyone, myself included treats Ammonia with the respect it deserves.
    However, that being said. Thankfully I cannot remember the last time I heard of a death occurring.

    Sadly I was discussing a recent article published.
    Which I haven't seen myself about 4 Engineers dieing in a basement full of R123.

    To which myself and the 2 other very experienced engineers I was with.
    Were chatting about the fact that ammonia, gas, fire, smoke and many other hazards.

    Send signals to the brain saying, Alarm, Danger, get out etc. etc.
    Whereas Many refrigeration gasses starve the brain of oxygen, creating a sense of euphoria.
    Creating a sense of well being where ultimately you just keel over and die.

    One of my colleagues then went on to recall his own experience of working in a cabinet.
    Where adjusting an expansion valve in the bottom he became light headed.
    Knowing what was happening he tried to straighten up to get out of the cabinet.

    In his own words. "It was only for the fact that there was one of those tall mesh wheeled cages next to him. Which he was able to grab hold of that he was able to pull himself out of the cabinet!
    By the time he had realized there was a problem he was to weak to straighten up normally."

    This conversation got me thinking!
    Are the guys out there being told of these incidents, so we can learn from them.

    I have had lots of training over the years and i don't remember much ever being said about how ordinary refrigerant can GET YOU!
    There are some exceedingly good trainers on this forum. Mind!

    In summary I am hearing more about people having near misses with *****s etc. than Ammonia ever does.

    So come on guys, Have you had a near miss?
    (and I don't mean for some H&S numpty to justify his job)

    I just like to learn from real experiences.

    Or am I being perceived as being dramatic
    thanks Grizzly
    Last edited by Grizzly; 11-11-2011 at 11:36 AM.

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