
I'm living in Grimsby, Lincolnshire at the mo, and having almost finished a C&G Technical Cert Lv.2, I'm looking for work as a trainee/apprentice.

However, I've applied to pretty much every company in the area and had no luck as they're all looking for experience.
Obviously I've done practical studies on single, three phase units, air con installations, etc. and I have a C&G Refrigerant Handling qualification, yet this doesn't seem to help, at all.

How are people s'posed to get started in the industry? I've even asked about work experience with no pay, and still no interest.

I was thinking of some casual work over the summer, and then starting a HNC in refrigeration, but once I've finished that I think I'd probably run into the same problems...

Any advice on how to get around this/started in the industry would be greatly appreciated,
