This question is related to UK employment law and it is raised by me because I am getting old and crotchety.

My employer has asked, somewhat brusquely, for sight of my passport to prove that I am able to work in the UK.

They quoted the recently amended Immigration Act and in particular sections 15-25 which detail the things that the company needs to do to have an "excuse" for employing a non UK Citizen legally.

When I asked for clarification of the legal requirement for me to have to produce my passport, or other documents, they simply send me a copy of the Employers Guide from the Home Office, Border Security, and told me to phone the Home Office if I had any queries.

Now I am a full UK Citizen and have been since I was born here 61 years ago; I have a UK(EU) passport and object to this demand to have more records of me kept by A N Other.

As this request to see my passport is not a "repeat" viewing I do not feel that I have a need to show my passport.

Having checked with the Home Office they confirmed that there is nothing in Law which says that I must produce my passport to prove that I am eligible to work in the UK.

However they do advise Company's that they may be able to threaten employees for being in breach of contract if there is such a demand in the Terms and Conditions of Employment.

My question therefore is this:-

My T&C state, "This offer is also subject to you being eligible to work in the UK under the terms of the Asylum and Immigration Act."

Does this clause provide enough leverage for the Company to insist on proceeding with their actions or can I tell'em to shove it?