I realise that this site is intended for professionals so please forgive me for asking this but I can't find anywhere else that may be able to help me.

I have a combined fridge freezer (freezer on the bottom) made by Candy. The unit has one compressor and one thermostat which is in the fridge. Its an old model and doesn't have a defrost facility.

I can't understand how the fridge works! The freezer seems to do all the work so I assume some of the 'cold' is moved up to the fridge. There are no coils / fans / ducts or anything in the fridge. Other than a tiny hole at the bottom (down which goes water to be evaporated in a tiny reservoir on top of the compressor) it seems to be nothing other than a plastic box.

Does the 'cold' come through the walls of the fridge?

Thanks for your help.