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27-10-2022, 03:02 PM #1
Candy CPCA240FFK - Salad draw freezing!
Hello all,
My fridge freezer has very recently started to freeze everything in the bottom salad draw, and the bottom shelf above. I usually have the temp set on number 2, but have tried 3, 2, and 1 setting with no obvious difference, still freezing and slight icing to my water in the door shelf.
Reading around online my guess is that its more than likely the fridge thermostat has gone, and have read on here that you can buy a thermostat kit that comes with instructions. However, the thermostats and kit dials dont look the same as mine, and so am wondering if i can replace the internals bits and still keep my existing dials.
This is assuming that its the thermostat that has gone, Im open to suggestions.
Also, if I am to go down the thermostat replacing route, how exactly do you go about it? I will try and attach some pics of my unit, but I do not see a way to remove the front panel where the temp dial is, nor is there anything to remove internally. The fridge light housing just contains a bulb, and if I am going to need to dig into the foam insulation at the rear, what about the heat sink (cage) on the back. Can this be removed or loosend, as the pipes to the compressor look to be soldered on and a little delicate. Is it just a case of digging out foam insulation from between the heat sink, without removing it, when looking for the fridge thermostat?
Any help and insight appreciated. Thanks.
TIALast edited by Brovashift; 27-10-2022 at 03:06 PM.