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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
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    Smile using the internet

    Using My computer the most powerful communication tool I have.
    I use it to meet people from all over the world by going to forums and signing website guest books.
    My favourite is an open forum run by the independent newspaper. It’s a place where I go to let of steam about world events under the codename of breadbombs.

    I have an interest in the arts and visited an art gallery* and used email to contact the artist and now we are quite good email friends

    One year ago I never would have believed how wide open the world would be or how easy it is to get information about anything or anything.
    My favourite search engine is google

    I have made quite a few WebPages using webspawner and infospace with the best one being at geocities which is about my watercycling hobby (I have a lot of hobbies) with a link to my home website which is also with geocities which has a film section about my famous pigeons (making pigeon films is another hobby of mine)
    Last edited by wellcold; 11-12-2001 at 11:22 PM.

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