I know the Industry Leaders in training,of which a few post on the forum.
All advocate the same practice of Having a respirator around your neck or close to hand.
Whilst working on Ammonia plant where there is a risk of Ammonia leaks / releases.
So that a controlled and safe exit to a safe area can be achieved.
This I totally agree with.
But sadly I am coming across a new breed of H&S reps / trainers that are stating that you should work in your respirator.
In fact the site engineer that I have been working with for the last couple of days.
Who has 25 yrs experience on his Ammonia plant, was telling me that His trainer.
Whilst doing a C.I.T.B. (ON-Site) 2078 Ammonia had expected him to where his respirator whilst caring out works on his plant for the assessment.
His company have issued him with a personal Gas leak Monitor which at 30ppm alarms.
So that he is then expected to remove himself from the affected area.
Last time I tried one of these I was stood next to a leaking shaft seal with the monitor showing 80ppm.
At the time my colleague and I where still trying to ascertain where the leak was and certainly were not bothered by the smell.
By the way certain models of Gas monitor are equipped with a electronic log.
So if you ignore the 30 ppm and have an accident you are totally to blame.
We seem to have lost control of how we safely go about our business.