To determine the load you can use the following:

[Enthalpy Outside Air- Enthalpy Inside Air] x Specific Gravity of Air x Vent Rate.

As we use the SI system the conversions are as follows:

10,000 CFM = 6990.108 meters cubed/hour
96F = 35.6C
62F = 16.67C
74F = 22.78C [Since you have not stated RH = 50%]
Spec Gravity of Air = 1.2
Enthalpy Ouside Air [CIBSE Guide] 46.901
Enthalpy Inside Air [CIBSE Guide] 44.869

From formula above:

[46.910-44.869] x 1.2 x 6990.108 = 17120.173 KJ/h

Converting to Kw = 4.756.
