Hello, after much searching and helpful advice from you guys here i have found coolpack now all i need is some helpful advise if anyone would like to help me that would be much appreciated!

When i learnt (or tryed my best) to learn pressue enthalpy charts last year at TAFE (college) here is all the information required to plot a chart was

1. suction pressure as a temp (entering comp)
2. temp of refrigerant entering RMD
3. disscharge pressure as temp (leaving comp)
4. superheat

Now i know how to work the above information out fairly easily, but finding the information i need to enter into coolpack for it to produce my pressure enthalpy chart abit confusing... (plz i'm only started my 2nd year apprentice a few months ago... so go easy on me hehe!) and i end up with something looking horribly wrong.

could you please tell me what the following is refering to, or how to work out how you get the answer from the system your workng on, perhaps we refer to these as different terms... in which case i already know how to come up with the answer just that its duble dutch explaination hehe get it? anyway...

1. Dp Evaporator?
2. Dp Suction line?
3. Dp Disscharge line?
4. Subcooling
5. Dp condenser
6. Dp Liquid line

(just for a one stage system at this stage.)

Any help would be appreciated!
ICQ: 9700240