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  1. 9 superheat & subcooling scenarios

    Quote Originally Posted by nike123 View Post
    • LOW CHARGE = High superheat. Low suction pressure, indoor TD, subcooling, head pressure & compressor current draw.
    • OVER CHARGE = Low superheat. Normal indoor TD. High suction pressure, subcooling, head pressure & compressor current draw.
    • LOW INDOOR AIR FLOW = Low superheat & suction pressure. Low to normal head pressure. High indoor TD. High to normal subcooling. Not much effect on current draw.
    • MILD LOW OUTDOOR AIR FLOW = Low superheat & subcooling. High suction

  2. Refrigerant will NOT get you high, it will KILL you!

    Why are people huffing refrigerant? I am a refrigeration technician who works around refrigerants and I have found myself in situations were I have been exposed to higher than recommended limits. I can tell you that the feeling you experience is nothing like the high you get from marijuana. I am seriously concerned for my health at these times! The refrigerants are colourless with a faint sweet odour. Overexposure leads to dizziness and loss of concentration because the vapour displaces
  3. R718 HVAC Systems

    Turbo Compressors

    Danfoss Turbo Compressors is transforming the commercial HVAC market with innovative technology that redefines lifetime operating costs for mid-range chiller and rooftop applications.

    Magnetic bearings, two stage centrifugal compression, a variable speed permanent magnet motor and intelligent electronic controls combine to create a sustainable energy efficient solution that is compact, lightweight and quiet.

    Combining industrially proven ...