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  1. Liquid Floodback at its Finest!

    I first mentioned this story back in the summer of 2013. Since then the problem reoccurred and further measures were taken. This is an updated account from start to finish.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2013-08-08T05-52-12_0.jpg 
Views:	4873 
Size:	95.9 KB 
ID:	11179 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2013-08-08T05-52-12_1.jpg 
Views:	4955 
Size:	94.6 KB 
ID:	11180

    You're looking at a low stage Mycom compressor liquid-filled all the way up the discharge line! You are probably wondering how something like this can even happen? The story goes like ...

  2. Brazing on an Operating System

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2013-02-11T21-45-23_3.jpg 
Views:	4078 
Size:	95.8 KB 
ID:	11099

    It goes without saying that brazing on an operating system is not recommended. Actually,it's highly discouraged!

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Leaking King Valve.jpg 
Views:	4034 
Size:	87.2 KB 
ID:	11100

    Unfortunately there are those moments when desperate times call for desperate measures. I was on call and had to travel two hours out of town hoping I had what I needed. I arrived to find a copper liquid line that had been worn through by the clamp that was meant to support
  3. Refrigerant will NOT get you high, it will KILL you!

    Why are people huffing refrigerant? I am a refrigeration technician who works around refrigerants and I have found myself in situations were I have been exposed to higher than recommended limits. I can tell you that the feeling you experience is nothing like the high you get from marijuana. I am seriously concerned for my health at these times! The refrigerants are colourless with a faint sweet odour. Overexposure leads to dizziness and loss of concentration because the vapour displaces
  4. How to Protect Your Reputation the Ethical Way

    You arrive to a job-site to find an already irritated customer awaiting your visit. You learn that their plant room shut down last Friday and nobody realized it until Monday morning. So you start to investigate the root cause of the problem and then it becomes apparent to all that your company is at fault. How do you proceed? The customer wants answers and they're looking at you!

    Before you start to talk, stop and think. The last thing you need is for this conversation to go