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View Full Version : Secondary refrigerants

21-10-2007, 05:15 PM
I was wondering calcium chloride brine is a secondary refrigerant but if you were to use another secondary refrigerant could it be magnesium chloride and also if there wasnt enough salt in the brine or to much in the brine would it make much difference on the system.


21-10-2007, 09:46 PM
I was wondering calcium chloride brine is a secondary refrigerant but if you were to use another secondary refrigerant could it be magnesium chloride and also if there wasnt enough salt in the brine or to much in the brine would it make much difference on the system.


Hello Shills.

I know you mean no harm and I try to help most people with genuine questions or faults.

I think though that you are trying to get people to answer your assignments for you.

You are asking specific questions just like a tutor would.
Non of the questions have any relevence to each other and you have asked them one after the other.

I do not mind helping somone as I said earlier but I think your taking the p--s.

Do your own home work:D or expand on the questions and relate them to an actual application that you are having issues with.

Cheers taz.