View Full Version : Career advice please.

james 100
26-08-2007, 03:53 PM
Hello all,

Please help, im looking for some advice from engineers with regards of where to go next...

September 05 i went to college to study in refrigeration and air contitioning, after one year full time i passed my RVQ2 in the above. After countless CV's sent out i got an interview with a refrigeration company in July 06 and was taken on, great i thought. I started the same month (middle of a heatwave!!) and was told i would get a two week trial and be with the boss for three months so i could get to grips with the job. On the third day i was insured on the van and told to get on with it! This was 14 months ago and i have been getting on with it (and returning to college part time to complete my NVQ2) ever since, thankfully with no accidents bar two capacitor discharge shocks!!

I work mainly on commercial kitchen equiptment, walk in chills/freezers, cellar cooling, ice machines and the occasional a/c unit ect.

My questions is:- How can i get ahead in the industry when most of the jobs i have seen are asking for two years minimum experiance, which in another 9 months i will have but i feel everything i have learned has been more or less self tought and other than the odd recall how do i know i am doing the job as i should be? I feel with a bit of guidance i can be justified in taking a fully qualified engineers wage, but at the moment im doing the work of a time served engineer (to which the customers are getting billed accordingly!) yet getting paid less than an 17 year old apprentice!!! I understand the training period is a period of training wages, but i have had enough of doing a job with so many dangers involved on a daily basis and getting paid less than a trolly boy!

Any ideas, advice would be most appreciated.:)

26-08-2007, 04:13 PM
Hello all,

My questions is:- How can i get ahead in the industry when most of the jobs i have seen are asking for two years minimum experiance, which in another 9 months i will have but i feel everything i have learned has been more or less self tought and other than the
Any ideas, advice would be most appreciated.:)

Two things came to mind whilst reading your post.
Did you put yourself through college or did your boss pay?
If you paid then no probs, if your boss is paying then you may have to finish the course before you leave or he may want repaying.
The other point is the two year experience bit.
In my oppinion that rule would be strictly aderared to when dealing with teenagers and younger engineers.
Someone in their thirties brings a lot of lifes experiences to the job so it would not be so important.
I would aplly for jobs and get your name about.
If they are strict about 2 years of experienced then their loss.
You will get offers if you are OK at the job and handle yourself well.

My tupence worth.

Ps which college. Baresford Hall Nottingham?

james 100
26-08-2007, 04:19 PM
Thanks taz, yes it was Basford Hall Nottingham. I paid for both years, although the boss did say he would help with the second year it never materialised.

26-08-2007, 04:21 PM
Win that UK lottery I keep getting spam emails for. Then you won't have to work :D

26-08-2007, 05:03 PM
Thanks taz, yes it was Basford Hall Nottingham. I paid for both years, although the boss did say he would help with the second year it never materialised.

Some bosses are like that.
He may be a nice bloke but you do not seem to be getting what is due to you.
Have a look around and put a few CV's out.
Have a word with your boss and see if he will up your pay.
The one problem you will have is that if you are not yet at level two, Maybe you you would do better to wait till you get level two and then go for the raise or change.


james 100
26-08-2007, 05:12 PM
Some bosses are like that.
He may be a nice bloke but you do not seem to be getting what is due to you.
Have a look around and put a few CV's out.
Have a word with your boss and see if he will up your pay.
The one problem you have is that you are not yet level two, Maybe you you would do better to wait till you get level two and then go for the raise or change.


I completed my level two last month, just waiting on the paperwork coming through. I asked for a rise three weeks ago to which he aggreed, still waiting though. I dont want to do anything rash but its all starting to get on my bristol's! :(

26-08-2007, 05:38 PM
I completed my level two last month, just waiting on the paperwork coming through. I asked for a rise three weeks ago to which he aggreed, still waiting though. I dont want to do anything rash but its all starting to get on my bristol's! :(

Congrats on the level two.

You have lots of options but your main bargening power is the time of the year.
You should be busy now and it would be a good time to look elseware or threaten to.
I would get my name about, look in the trade press and consider your options but if your boss is full of false prommises then you may not get what you are looking for from him.
Does anyone else work for him or can you get intouch with others who have worked for him and seek their opinions.
Use your instincts and judgement.

All the best taz.

james 100
26-08-2007, 06:15 PM
He was a one man band before i joined, he has taken on an "install crew" of two, one a friend from college as the apprentice who is actually more qualified than the other.

I went to complete a first fix on a vrv system the install crew couldnt finish and i was shocked. No ofn purging, insulation missing, and the brazing was shocking not to mention the amount of leaks found.

My point is as a small company all the above quality control problems are still problems, which i can see catching up with us in a short time to the point that i can se the firm being bankrupted as a result. The boss has admitted the service side ie me is carrying the install side. I feel like a rat jumping ship but none of the concerns i have raised have been addressed.

Thanks for your advice taz, i will have a go on my CV and get some sent out. Sorry for going on. Cheers.

26-08-2007, 06:29 PM
Thanks for your advice taz, i will have a go on my CV and get some sent out. Sorry for going on. Cheers.

No probs mate.
You are in a bad position but a good one at the same time.
You need to keep your cards close to your chest but at the same time put feelers out for other opportunities.
One thing about outfits like this is they tend to keep going some how because they always fill the gaps in the market between the larger opperators and the small one man band ones.
Poor workmanship is wrong but some companies do manage to make a living (and profit) from constant returns to bad workship be it their own or others.


01-09-2007, 09:59 PM
What company is it? I worked in Notts for a couple of years... & went to Basford

02-09-2007, 02:11 AM
Youv'e done two good things- joined RE and asked the question. From experience it's best not to theaten the boss or give ultimatums. You could ask around and work out which company you could achieve the best working for - training and experience. Then target that company. One more thing focus on the positive stuff. Good luck Bro

james 100
03-09-2007, 08:24 PM
Thanks for the advice tesla, i hope things are better down under!!... The reason behind me going into fridge was to meet the criteria for immigration. Just gotta wait a couple of years for my girlfriend to qualify as a child nurse and we'll be over.

james 100
04-09-2007, 09:21 PM
What company is it? I worked in Notts for a couple of years... & went to Basford

XYZ Ltd, not been going for long though, how long ago were you at Basford Hall?

06-09-2007, 08:17 AM
2 years day release 1996 and 1997. i was top of the class and won the D H Crosswell shield award, it was presented by erm... forgot her name ha ha.. She was reg's wife in coronation street and was in the Benny Hill shows years ago.

13-09-2007, 06:37 PM
Maureen Holdsworth, was played by Sherrie Hewson:D
Im embarassed to say i know that.