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View Full Version : Ice Cream blues

11-03-2001, 07:31 PM
Here goes .....

I was doing a homer (I was young) for my local Cafe.

He had an old twin tub belt driven ice cream maker ... God it was old.

Anyhoo, I was lying on the floor checking the belt and the owner came over and knelt down next to me. He asked what I was doing (this must be the same for all fridge guys, does anyone ask a hairdresser why they are holding the clippers a certain way???) and as I was explaining to him, nits started to jump out of his hair AAARRRRRRRGH.

I beat a hasty retreat and continued from the other side of the unit.

I have to say, the guy paid me good money but the thought of an ice cream cone and hundreds & thousand sprinkles keep coming to mind shudder .......