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View Full Version : why dont they design for us

24-01-2001, 06:39 PM
can anyone tell me why certain design engineers seem to misinterpret service friendly? I have lost count of the time/cost lost stripping into packs/ cases etc to do a 2 min job . Greater consultation reqd I think. We could all have less stressfull lifes . Faster moving /thinking minds shed more light .

[Edited by WebMaster on 24-01-2001 at 10:00 PM]

24-01-2001, 09:00 PM
OK Marc, you tweeked my interest.
What angle are you going back in at ??

24-01-2001, 10:06 PM
Jim, what systems/companies are giving you the most problems?

And have you spoken to any of them regarding your problems?
What was their reply if you did.

10-03-2001, 10:39 PM
Personally, I find commercial fridge by far the most serviceable equipment around. It gets sticky when the customer requests it all be built into a pre-fab machine room, but even then, I find it serviceable, done right.

Where the equipment gets put, is another story. But it is understandable. The most unserviceable equipment I was ever exposed to was the screw a/c system on a casino boat. Gawd, what a nightmare. But we were able to deal with most of it, and had I gotten paid, I could have dealt with the rest of it.:)

17-03-2001, 01:15 PM
I agree with Dan,
The worse service call I had was to a Fishery Protection vessel at Leith Docks (Edinburgh)

The belt driven unit was behing the rear stabeliser pumps and was almost imposible to work on.

The main condenser water inlet valve had failed while in the North Sea so the onboard engineer had fitted the only one he had spare ...... the head pressure was 40psi after he fitted it :)

Good thing about working on boats is the food is always first class ;)

04-04-2001, 05:12 AM
I've got something to add from the other side of the desk...

Usually I get phone calls from customers that want me to put 10 lbs of crap in a 5 lb bag. I get this a lot! Many times we have to design racks to fit through doorways and elevators, but still meet the load required, and have all the service friendly features. But sometimes, this is just not possible with the given space. My job is to build it to fit with what I got, but I always try to make sure it is servicable for the guys in the field.

That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it!

04-04-2001, 10:29 PM
Originally posted by Norty
but I always try to make sure it is servicable for the guys in the field.
You can't do much better than that, I just hope your guys appreciate it, I know I would.


08-04-2001, 05:53 PM
I have worked on some Hussmann (it just happens to be them, no offence) packs jammed into a closet so thight that when you open the closet door ....... you are face to face with the pack :)

You have to climb over the pack to get to some of the stuff, its that tight.

Saying this, they are installed in some small high street shops with no room to swing a cat.

08-04-2001, 06:16 PM
I know what sites you are talking about Starman, and I can testify that they are VERY tight.

I think you will find a few more on this forum that has worked on those packs.