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14-05-2007, 06:29 AM
Hi sirs
Any good website and handbook for HVAC installation engineering ? now it's related to my business. Hope you give me help. Thanks:)


14-05-2007, 06:46 AM
You already know so much LC.
What exactly are you looking for?
More heating or more cooling or ventilation?
Is it to calculate ducts, loads, equipment?

14-05-2007, 09:14 AM
I need to know the procedure of HVAC installation and the operation of installation company. I've been working in manufacturing company and know little about installation company operation details. Now I sell AC units and customer ask to supply installation service at the same time. I'll learn it:)


14-05-2007, 09:25 AM
Hi LC,

I was looking for the same thing a few months ago for Split units (for training course presentation).
I contacted the companies and asked for the instruction manual. Some of them provided the documents but some were secretive:mad: .
Also I should say that I found some mistakes in those docs:eek: .

I selected the good points and gathered together and it became a good training materials.

As you know the basics and more, you can right a better instruction manual ;) .

Good luck

14-05-2007, 10:59 AM
LC, is it in the first place mainly for splits you're looking for?
Or ducted systems?
I think many will try to help you here because you were always helpfully for others in the past.
Try to be just a little bit more specific so that I and others can help you.
You can drop of course always a PM via my regular mail.

Samarjit Sen
14-05-2007, 02:43 PM
Dear Lc,

If you are looking for installation of split units, I feel you should proceed as would for a Central Plants. Quite some years, I was manufacturing window units and installing Split Units. I designed and installed the Split Units as I would install a Central Plants. The results were very good.

However the best book that I could ever come accross for such was Carrier Handbook of Air Conditioning. It contains a lot of information and guidance for installation of Air Conditioning system. This is a very old book and I do not know wether the same is available. However you may enquire and find out.

I shall try to find some more details and revert back to you.

With best wishes,

15-05-2007, 02:46 AM
thanks for all of you:)
I need VRV system and duct system installation manual. The FCU + heat pump I'm familiar with.


21-05-2007, 08:17 PM
thanks for all of you:)
I need VRV system and duct system installation manual.

I can help with both but it is difficult - if not impossible - to post everything you need to know on here.

Perhaps you could post some specific questions.