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20-04-2007, 02:17 PM
The King had a consultant.

One day the King asked him a question and the consultant said:
"Your Excellency, I do not know".

The King got angry and shouted:
"What am I paying you for?"

The consultant replied:
"Your Excellency, you are paying me for what I know. If you wanted to pay me for what I don't know, then you had to pay me all the wealth of the world; and guess what it wouldn’t be enough.

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

20-04-2007, 06:42 PM
you are paying me for what I know. If you wanted to pay me for what I don't know, then you had to pay me all the wealth of the world; and guess what it wouldn’t be enough.

That's a good line, I think I will try it out because there is a lot I don't know...

US Iceman
20-04-2007, 07:16 PM
I once had someone tell me the expert is the one who has to travel the farthest to get to the job!;)

This also reminds me of an old story that goes something like this:

A woman called a carpenter to fix her floorboards that squeaked when she walked upon them. The carpenter arrived and looked around for awhile before going back to his truck.

He came back in with a hammer and a single nail. After hammering in the nail he went back to his truck and made out an invoice for $101.

He presents the invoice to the women who in shock says... $101 for hammering in a single nail????

His reply as the story goes was... It's $1 for the nail and $100 for knowing where to put the nail.:D

The moral to the story is; It's important to know when to do the right thing and what to do. Just as the consultant in lana's story!

The carpenter has the same problem as the consultant... a lot of people have a difficult problem in paying for knowledge.;)

21-04-2007, 03:33 PM
a lot of people have a difficult problem in paying for knowledge

I couldn't agree with you more.:)

Samarjit Sen
26-04-2007, 01:49 PM
This is what mostly the consultants in our field face most of the time.