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View Full Version : Centrifugal chillers part 2

16-05-2002, 09:07 AM
My question really is for Marc or Fridgetech whatever you prefer to be addressed as. I know your a freelance from your posts and as you pointed out that you have trained York engineers who have gone onto greater things in the past why not deploy your skills and reap financial reward???? I work in commercial AC/REF and would jump at the opportunity to recieve some training off a professional within the industrial sector. Why not set up a seminar/training course on this specialised equipment??
Im sure there are many engineers out there who would gladly pay for your tuition rather than catch an expensive flight to the USA for a Trane seminar. Why not beat the grass and startle the snakes im sure youd get plenty of interest. Just my opinnion though im not trying to tell you how to use your time, so no offence meant.