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14-05-2002, 11:17 PM
Houdini had bragged that he could escape from any locked prison cell. They duly stuck him in one, banged the door shut and left him for 15 minutes to miraculously escape. He removed the lock pick from his hiding place and proceeded to try to unpick the lock. After 10 minutes of feverish activity, he still couldn't get the door open. Exhausted and frustrated, he leaned against the door and it swung open; it had never been locked - only closed! You can't unlock an unlocked door.

In life we tend to lock ourselves into mental and emotional and financial prison cells only too often. And although it's easy to get out from an objective perspective, one sometimes gets emotionally locked in, if you'll excuse the pun, and we might need a caring nudge. We build financial prisons for ourselves when we buy things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't like (and who don't care anyway!).

We stay in prisons for fear of "what they might think/say" and pay a huge price to maintain a mask and a posture that is as false as it is uncomfortable. We stay in debilitating relationships because of fear of the unknown - "better the devil you know than the devil you don't know" and we sometimes stay on the downward spiral out of pure laziness.

It takes effort to change. A body at rest tends to stay at rest, and it takes more effort to change direction that to maintain the current direction, even if it's headed for certain failure. In our "Lazy Ass" society, where chosen addiction is called "sickness" and obese people actually believe they have the right to an extra seat on a plane for free, discipline is not a comfortable concept. Here are a few thoughts that might help us escape life's prisons:

1. You can change now. You can change fast. And you can change massively. All you need is enough motivation.

2. Other people don't really give a damn about you, so go ahead and walk away from those prisons of imagined image. I don't care if you wear designer jeans, and nobody else does, either. I'm not impressed with debt.

3. Have the courage to face the guards. Walk out, say NO, stop being used and abused.

4. Go for freedom. If you don't try to escape, you'll never escape. Rather die trying to escape than give up on freedom. At least you'll have your self-respect.

5. Do it NOW. Tomorrow may be too late. The sooner you start, the better.

15-05-2002, 04:29 AM
Is there any way you could get this included in all the Welfare checks sent out over here in the States?

15-05-2002, 05:56 AM
They would all just apply for Social Security, like they do when the Welfare runs out.

Perhaps the government could bring back the WPA?
At least they would be performing something beneficial for society for their welfare checks.........

Mike Hopkins
16-05-2002, 03:23 AM
Some people learn that stuff eventually. You ever do any hvac work at a prison or jail ? I have been locked in the boiler room to do various repairs on machinery, sometimes they would give you a radio and sometimes not, send you on the roof to work on rooftop units definetly must have a radio so you could ID yourself to the tower guards and not be targeted by the snipers in those towers. And do not trip the blue panic button on the radio or you issue a man down alarm and make hell break loose. When working in the boiler room you had better take whatever you may need, including lunch because going in and out to the van is at least a 2 hour process. Also working in the nuke plants you can add 2 hours to that figure though they usually have what you need, almost like a self sufficient city. Haven't spent any time in prison but have done a good bit of work in them profesionally speaking. Some are grim places indeed and I rather favor the upcoming youth of this world to at least take one good tour or 2 of a prison facility, it will open your mind in many ways. You give some good advice in that post, some of which are my core philosophies although deviances are bound to occur. Thanks.

Mike Hopkins

17-05-2002, 07:13 PM
Hiya Mike

Whos "talking" about a REAL prison here?????

And you guys talking about welfare cheques.........whats that gotto do with anything, ever heard of redistribution of wealth???


Have a great day you guys!!


dan wong
19-05-2002, 07:52 PM
Your writting is absolutly accute, it seen to me some people are BORN with ambition, some just don't have any.

I often ponder about the same philosphy you describe. I come to the conclusion " Different stroke for different folks " "...each to their own...if they are happy where they are at, doing what they do, have what they have, ....then whats wrong with that?"

20-05-2002, 12:13 AM

Let me clarify a little. If someone is "happy" lying in a tree under the sun, then thats where he should be. The emphasis I am placing is on the word " happy" You must place yourself in that spot where you are at your happiest. You know some people are very happy inside prison? When there let out they cannot cope with life, they commit a crime just to get back inside!!

Now , some people are not at that crossroads where you are at your happiest. In refrigeration we design a system where we match all the components. Where the graphs intercept is the optimum desired level, similar I think on a psychometric chart.

Anyway, in life we find that "happy" point. For some it might be to become president, for another it might be growing bananas in San Salvadore, whatever!!

No disrespect to any, as long as you are happy living and working at would you do.

Now.........yes, there had to be a now..........!!!, ok, sometimes we find locked in a situation when we are not near our sweet spot.......yet. It could be various things, unplanned events, situation, circumstances, could be a multitude of things.

You could either resign yourself to your fate, be moan your lot and weep, or you could do something about it and drive your energies and focus to your intended target.

That is all, your prison could be an unhappy marriage, or a bad job, or debt, it could be anything, something that ties you down, saps your strength and prevents you from reaching that point where you are content.

I say again, you could be a millionaire who wants to sleep in a cardbox box on the street, if that makes you happy " Go for it!! "
or vice versa.

Get my jist??


ps: About welfare cheques

Wait till tomorrow...........I have a little to add about that too, that will keep Zolar quiet for a bit!!!


20-05-2002, 10:58 PM
I promised I would say a piece on welfare or benefit as it is called in the Uk. I mentioned the term " Redistribution of wealth"

Now Im not one for politics and couldnt tell my right from the left, but here is a citizens view.

The world has changed drammatically in the past decade or so, probably less in the States but more so here in Europe. Now, everybody is rich and getting richer, probably we dont feel rich, but there are more people with money now. In the past we had the rich on one side and the poor worker on the other. That is breaking down.

Now about welfare, ( Got to keep focussed , I say to myself, I dont want to deviate!! )

Here in the UK , the govt spends around 100 Billion a year on Welfare/Health Service, that is a lot of money

Yes, you have the guy who doesnt work, sits on his backside and syphons the state, on the other hand you get a guy who wants to work but cant get a job, he too gets his cheque, then the people who are ill, disabled, ect, ect

Now these cheques they get, where do they end up??? YES, they SPEND THEM, every last drop of it. Where do they spend it?? Yes, at Mr Rich mans shop. his bar, Club, Supermarket, whatever

So who is the REAL BENEFICIARY??? It is Mr Rich Man.

And Rich man employs people like you and me and keeps us employed.

Imagine if the government took away benefit. That is 100 Billion less in the economy every year, this 100 billion sizzles, hisses, foams, coagulates, coughs, snarls and gets the economy going

Now, what does Rich Man do with his PROFITS ??

Yes, he pays taxes on them, ( As little as he can ingeniously pay, and massage his accounting practices) He pays his employeees, as little as he can possibly pay them for max work. He Hoards the rests, and buys places off shore in tax havens, foreign holidays and exotic goods.

So , we " shouldnt" really be moan the scrounger on welfare, we shouldnt openly condone it either, just inwardly be aware that this guy is generating the economy, he is like a fuel rod in a nuclear reactor!!

So, you think Welfare is BAD???

16-01-2003, 09:38 PM
I didn't say welfare was bad. I was on it for 2 months myself when I got out of the US Navy....I couldn't buy a job if my life depended on it.

I did, however find interim employment at the end of those 2 months.

My suggestion was that the government should get something back for all the free-bee's doled out. Have them pick up trash on the side of the road, clean toilets, SOMETHING as an incentive to get off the public assistance & be productive. As a minimum the receipient would keep in a work routine until they DID get a job.

If they made more money that what the public assistance provided, the economy would benefit greatly, and taxes could be diverted from welfare to tax breaks for the business owner.

Social Security in the US has instituted a 'ticket' program whereby most of the receipients would be required to obtain SOME sort of work (but they would still be able to keep their benefits up to a point).

17-01-2003, 08:48 AM

Your reply to my post which I posted in May 2002 elicits a reply in January 2003

A full eight months later!!!!
Are you a modern Rip Wan Winkle or been in hibernation or what?????

Welcome to our brave new world..............and enjoy a full breakfast


17-01-2003, 12:23 PM

I am a very slow reader ( for some reason, I have to read each letter of a word, then assemble it to understand the word). Between the new baby, working 7 days a week, and helping the wife with chores, I barely have time for anything.