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06-02-2007, 01:24 PM
I belive that in june or july this year everyone in uk has to have a licence for handeling gas where do i buy one in scotland.:confused:

I only repair vehicle air conditioning and hav been at it for about 10 years

06-02-2007, 01:45 PM
I belive that in june or july this year everyone in uk has to have a licence for handeling gas where do i buy one in scotland.:confused:

I only repair vehicle air conditioning and hav been at it for about 10 years

Anyone who comes into contact with refrigerant needs to have a gas handle qualification.
There are two providers.
City & Guilds.
They both prove ability and knowledge, C&G is for life and CITB is renewable every 3 years.
You will see people offering the service in most fridge trade mags.

06-02-2007, 07:01 PM
Hi Coolincab and welcome to the forum.

You could perhaps start here to find out more...

Scotland office...

07-02-2007, 05:15 PM
Refrigerant Handling cert from C&G is being questioned because of how easy it is to get the cert all you have to do is state how to put recover gas, they give them away like free samples with products. I would question some of the people doing the training!

07-02-2007, 06:36 PM
I would question some of the people doing the training!

I would aswell.
You need to demonstrate recovery and charging not just explain it.

Its not enough to say it happens names should be named and action taken.


07-02-2007, 07:13 PM
Agreed, CITB is far and away better.

Well my trainer was anyway ;)

07-02-2007, 07:20 PM
is there a passport type card with the c&g qual?
i never recieved one and just wondered.
carrying aronud my certificates to trade counters will be dull indeed...!

07-02-2007, 07:26 PM
I think that all you get is a paper certificate.

You can perhaps pay for a Skillcard if you want.

Try Google.

08-02-2007, 09:30 PM
is there a passport type card with the c&g qual?
i never recieved one and just wondered.
carrying aronud my certificates to trade counters will be dull indeed...!

C&G Advocate holders sign up for ACRIB mebership.
Nation register and about £10 a year. ID badge aswell.


08-02-2007, 09:35 PM
Agreed, CITB is far and away better.

Well my trainer was anyway ;)

I assess both versions and find that the standard for both is exactly the same.
They are both equal but some people like to be reassessed on a regular basis, so prefer CITB.

Cheers taz.

09-02-2007, 09:55 AM
Hi, As for the Test paper, The City and Guilds is a closed book test paper and the CITB is an open book test paper. As you take the CITB every 3 years it can take in any new Regs. that have come about in that time.

13-02-2007, 05:50 PM
cheers taz24 and brian_UK,will sign up when i return from my 4 week holiday in NZ,no point standing around watching an inverter work it's nuts off while i'm freezing mine.

15-02-2007, 01:20 PM
Hi all,

There seems to be a misconception that City & Guilds Handling Refrigerant qualification is for LIFE.

You must have short memories - Handling Refrigerant used to be C&G 2077, City & Guilds then changed the scheme by adding in new items and it became C&G 2078.

So anybody with C&G 2077 might as well throw their certificate in the bin because it is no longer valid.

If you remember the F-Gas regs are due to come in to force very soon and City & Guilds may well see this as an opportunity to revise their Handling Refrigerant qualification - just a thought.

15-02-2007, 09:34 PM
So anybody with C&G 2077 might as well throw their certificate in the bin because it is no longer valid.
Do you have any links to this legislation?

I thought that 2077 was for recovering refrigerant and 2078 was for charging refrigerant??

16-02-2007, 12:12 AM
Do you have any links to this legislation?

I thought that 2077 was for recovering refrigerant and 2078 was for charging refrigerant??

I may be wrong with this but the way I understand it to be is..
The 2077 covered charging and recovery and it was amended to 2078 with the use of hydrocarbon based refrigerants.
The 2078 will stand untill new refrigerants are developed and / or new legislation is brought out.

Cheers taz.

old gas bottle
16-02-2007, 08:03 AM
think your right taz,were CITB but held the old city and guilds,the instructor told us the same, thing is theres no expiry date on them [is there].

16-02-2007, 07:43 PM
I asked the question some time ago wether the 2078 was to be updated, I was assured that unless new refrigerants came into use beyond those covered it would remain as is for the foreseeable future, however there is talk of adding a further category to cover CO2 but this is only being talked about at present.


17-02-2007, 11:16 AM

forgive me for being a suspicious, but to join the ACRIB register used to cost £20 and as soon as there was talk of it becoming compulsory the price doubled to £40 (about 3 years ago I think).

So with the new rules coming in to force shortly with the F-Gas regs in the summer, surely to keep every body up to date this must become part of the syllabus?

As to 2077, that went out a lot of years ago.

2078 is split into 4 units, 001,002,003,and 004.

001 and 002 covers charging and recovering CFC, HCFC and HFC.

003 and 004 covers ammonia.

15-03-2007, 10:02 PM
I recently completed the C&G 2078 and was appauled on how basic and uneducational it was.I have been doing refrigeration for over 10 years, but some people on the course were plumbers having ago at airconditioning and had never seen a set of manifold gauges in there life. and its scary to think after a 30min assesment,where we filled in a question paper that the tutor gave the answers to. these people are now qualified!!!

16-03-2007, 08:42 AM
Well, that all depends on where you go for your 2078.

We do not allow people to come on our 2 day course unless they are experienced engineers.

If somebody did turn up with no experience then chances are they would fail when it came to the assessment - anyway the questions should be done orally, not written!!!!!!!!!!!

16-03-2007, 01:49 PM
FOR THE UK, The new F-gas legislation (July 2006) will require us to have a minimum proof of competence, namely CITB or C&G2078 safe handling qualification.
This minimum qualification wil be compulsory for all engineers & ANYONE who handles refrigerant or works on refrigeration plant by 4th July 2007. So those of you who are not already "qualified" better get your skates on to ensure you or your employer is not breaking the law !!

This however, is not the end of it and is only an interim measure!
By 4th July 2008, The govt. will introduce its minimum requirements, based upon the EC guidelines that as yet are undecided, however the BRA, ACRIB & REFCOM are all lobbying to ensure they are the same or equivalent as the aforementioned interim measures.

Lets hope so, or we'll all have to do it again. £££££

16-03-2007, 07:33 PM
One question springs to mind, due to the way a certain company is working (another story ;) )

Does the fitter who is installing just the pipework and mechanically fitting the condensing unit and evaporator need to be in possession of a SHC?

This is assuming that he does not make the final connections etc, just runs the pipework in.

18-03-2007, 05:02 PM
Does the fitter who is installing just the pipework and mechanically fitting the condensing unit and evaporator need to be in possession of a SHC?

This is assuming that he does not make the final connections etc, just runs the pipework in.

Its a grey area.
The qualification is required at the moment for anyone who comes into contact with the refrigerant.
So a pipe fitter who comes no where near the stuff should be ok.

But and there is a big but,
The new requirements are getting stricter and stricter.
I have known councils who are inquiring about bin men who handle domestic fridges at dump it sites to have a gas handle qual.
I know the likes of BOC expect thier delivery staff to have the qual. I have had companies who do contract work who are getting thier staf the qualification before they are forced to.


18-03-2007, 05:40 PM
It's the same with CORGI. I've got a local plumber who does all my water/gas but he is only licensed to work on gas pipework up to 28mm.

So when we get something over 28mm he does the installing then gets one of his colleauges to come along and test/certify.

From what I understand, if you only do the nuts and bolts work without touching the internal working fluid then you can do whatever you like (obviously, providing that it passes muster on completion) :)

18-03-2007, 07:41 PM
OK, thanks guys.

I have the opposite Frank, being commercial CORGI I have to keep saying, "Sorry, that boilers too small!". Sounds silly but that's the way it goes.

20-03-2007, 08:43 PM
just to confirm the 2078 units 1 and 2 cover Hydrocarbons as well, that is why the qualification changed from 2077 to include them.

We have all heard about these companies doing refrigerant handling qualifications in half an hour but unless somebody tells those of us who are doing them properly as laid down by C&G and CITB we cannot do anything about it, PM's welccome.

The 2078 or CITB does not and was not intended to prove competence as a refrigeration engineer it is only there to prove that the person who holds it understands the implications to health or the enviroment of the fluids we use and can charge and recover refrigerant from a system in a way that releases the minimum amount of refrigerant. I say again it does not make you a refrigeration engineer.
On a one to one basis it is possible to teach any person with a modicum of intelligence to meet the requirements of the CITB or 2078 qualification in two days and for them to complete the assessment.
As for the FGas regulations it appears to me that the Government will push for a minimum of a level two NVQ or equivalent to prove competence in the first place and then raise that to level three at a later date as is required for a Skillcard.


20-03-2007, 11:00 PM
Ah, Skillcard - there's another money spinner for someone.

WHy is it that the people who want to see a document don't really want to pay for it?

[end rant]

21-03-2007, 12:22 AM
totally agreed but is it not time that the refrigeration industry became a real appretiated trade, most of the guys on this forum are fridge guys but we have all listened to the people who think they are who are taking business from the real fridgies. sorry we need some regulation on what we do even if it is not really what we want but its what we have.


21-03-2007, 08:39 PM
Ian, I think it a bit like the CORGI thing.

I really do accept that "competent" people should be the only ones who deal with our gases and the natural gases.

Unfortunately the authorities never quite go far enough do they? You can't do cooking gas without a ticket but Fred next door can go down to his local DIY store, buy a gas fire and all the fittings and put it in.

I can't do it for Fred because I only have commercial CORGI but in theory I am more competent than Fred.

Likewise anybody can buy a can of R134a from a motor factor and happily blow it all to atmosphere.

Sorry, I'm preaching to the converted here aren't I?

22-03-2007, 01:16 PM
to right you are, as for the R134a cans that will be illegal as you cannot use disposable containers any more.


22-03-2007, 06:51 PM
to right you are, as for the R134a cans that will be illegal as you cannot use disposable containers any more.

That's the bit that bugs me :D