View Full Version : Amana PrB1901CW!

28-01-2007, 01:57 PM
Alright I have a problem. My freeezer rear panel is freezing/icing up had to totally defrost in three times (in 4 weeks.) Still makes ice. Freezer fan is good. Rear fan good, did clean it up. Grill was dirty, not that bad. Refer fan good, works as advertised. I'm miffed at the fact it is 2 years old and now this, H E L P! ! ! ! I don't want to buy another one.

28-01-2007, 04:55 PM
Hi Brian M

Could be 1 of two things,
1, defrost system not working
2, thermostat sticking on.

you will probably need an engineer to remedy this fault and advise against self repair.


30-01-2007, 12:11 PM
Hi there! my first guess would be ur defrost element is faulty! (this is an electric element that aids in the defrosting of built up ice, u will need to meter it out with a elecronic meter to check resistance/earthing. or it may be ur defrost timer (only with frost free fridges) you can locate this device at the rear of the fridge probably located in the bottom left corner... it will have a small knob wich should be able to turn with applied pressure, if you are able to turn it, make a mark with a pen to distinguish the location and check after an hour to ensure the mark has moved! this will determine if ur defrost timer is advancing.

30-01-2007, 03:54 PM
Hi there! my first guess would be ur defrost element is faulty! (this is an electric element that aids in the defrosting of built up ice, u will need to meter it out with a elecronic meter to check resistance/earthing. or it may be ur defrost timer (only with frost free fridges) you can locate this device at the rear of the fridge probably located in the bottom left corner... it will have a small knob wich should be able to turn with applied pressure, if you are able to turn it, make a mark with a pen to distinguish the location and check after an hour to ensure the mark has moved! this will determine if ur defrost timer is advancing.

Hi setrad7791

Please be careful when posting on the forum for non engineers as you could be putting a persons health at risk, self control is required when advising on the forum and its worth visiting the users profile.


30-01-2007, 10:31 PM
Hey setrad7791, thanks!! This is why I came on board to here, ask a question get an answer THANK YOU!!!

30-01-2007, 10:34 PM
Some American fridge freezers have two control knobs in fridge. One is thermosat and other regulates the cold air flowing between the freezer and fridge, by means of a flap. I've known this flap to get iced up/blocked with ice which limits the cold air into the fridge causing the system to run for too long as the fridge runs on the warm side.

30-01-2007, 10:46 PM
Would you be referring to an Aeronatical, Electrical, Mechanical or a Civil Engineer. I doubt any of the three would show up to “FIX” my refrigerator. Now if you would wanted to reinvent one I’m sure you may find one or more listed. If you are speaking of a technician I could say okay. Now that you have already ASSUMED that I could not fix the problem, I think you are wrong. I came to this BB for suggestions, not insinuations of my ability. I hope this has not insulted your ability to explain yourself. I seriously doubt that everyone that "works" on refers are engineers, unless you may be compairing them to sanitation engineers or such. Please don't take my work as insults, but do take it for what it is worth. I am more than able to "fix" things, as I have been an aircarft mech. for the last16+ years. I would not even think of myself as an engineer as they attend school for several years and do apply there person to a apprenticship, then become engineers after taking the pertantent practicals. With that said I bid you, good say sir. Everyone else I still am looking (and waiting on) suggestions about said refer. I will absolutely try the timer much like my father-in-law had suggested.

30-01-2007, 10:50 PM
Thank you electrocoolman, I want to say that that this will be an issue (also.) the vent on the right side has FOD in it, I will have to clean it out also!! I saw you viewing while I was writting a NASTY-GRAM. I am sorry if it affends anyone, but don't talk down to me! You know who you are..... thanks ECM!

30-01-2007, 10:58 PM
Thanks Brian.
Where abouts on the 'panhandle' are you. We used to visit Destin many moons ago! I've also links to the Aviation industry.

30-01-2007, 11:04 PM
WOW! I grew up in Panama City, live up by I-10 these days! Well I can say that I have been to your country a couple of times. The MartinBaker Factory, I loved it! Didn't get to stay and ride the country side as much I as I wanted too. Small world!

30-01-2007, 11:13 PM
Even smaller!! the MB factory is only a few miles down the road from me at Denham.

31-01-2007, 07:52 AM
Would you be referring to an Aeronatical, Electrical, Mechanical or a Civil Engineer. I doubt any of the three would show up to “FIX” my refrigerator. Now if you would wanted to reinvent one I’m sure you may find one or more listed. If you are speaking of a technician I could say okay. Now that you have already ASSUMED that I could not fix the problem, I think you are wrong. I came to this BB for suggestions, not insinuations of my ability. I hope this has not insulted your ability to explain yourself. I seriously doubt that everyone that "works" on refers are engineers, unless you may be compairing them to sanitation engineers or such. Please don't take my work as insults, but do take it for what it is worth. I am more than able to "fix" things, as I have been an aircarft mech. for the last16+ years. I would not even think of myself as an engineer as they attend school for several years and do apply there person to a apprenticship, then become engineers after taking the pertantent practicals. With that said I bid you, good say sir. Everyone else I still am looking (and waiting on) suggestions about said refer. I will absolutely try the timer much like my father-in-law had suggested.

Dear BrianM

Thank you for your response to my posting, i only had your safety to mind when posting, but if you feel confident to carry out this repair then please continue.

I'm currently looking at a problem on reduced thrust during take off on a Boeing 747 i think one of the turbines has a fuel blockage any suggestions as like you i have been in engineering for 20+ years? or should i let an aircraft mechanic take over?


31-01-2007, 11:49 PM
Come on now guys, don't start getting worked up...

BrianM, when people reply to some of the questions that get asked here we do have to be a little careful.

I'm not trying to teach you to suck eggs or anything like that but when you list your occupation as "Florida Dept. of Transportation" it really doesn't provide any information at all about your abilities to the international membership.

In your first post on this forum you did not give us the courtesy of an introduction about yourself, a please or a thank you.

You are no doubt aware of health and safety at work and so are we as responsible workers. Some posters here have wanted a 'quick fix' with no regard to the possible dangers of working with refrigerants etc.

If you felt offended then I think that you took it to heart too quickly; LRAC was trying to prevent a possible accident not trying to upset you.

If we can call a halt here gents I would appreciate it.:)

02-02-2007, 11:43 AM
Oh Here We Go! I said I was and aviation mech. NOT and engineer! Obvious you let you anger get the best of you and did not undersand what you have read. So go back and read it again and let's see if you get it right. Now for your question on reducing thrust during take off, you will need someone with a POWER_PLANTS license to look at that, sorry I can not help you. If it fell off during take off or run-up, I could assist you. I am sure the "MECHANIC" would correct the issue, could be a compressor stage out of spec. Depending the engine maker send it back to Pratt/Whitney or GE and they will correct it. Sounds like a hanger queen!

02-02-2007, 12:13 PM
You may want ot check your throttle position to see its in proper setting.

02-02-2007, 08:41 PM
Depending the engine maker send it back to Pratt/Whitney or GE and they will correct it. Sounds like a hanger queen!

Hey Brian,

Welcome to RE and always good to have aviation guys on here. Im an aviation enthusiast, so envy you in a way !!

Anyways....... You mention GE and PW.....

What about our good ole Rolls Royce ??? RB211, Trent Engines....Olympus...etc...


02-02-2007, 09:19 PM
Com'n guys - calm down

Lifes too short to get agitated :)

03-02-2007, 01:49 AM
ABE my man! How about the A L L I S O N, but I really love to hear those PW radials!
Brian_UK- You are kinda right, but I will not try something I am not comfortable with, I know my limits.
My Father and father-in-law, are both into field but not quite on this small of scale, I have asked them both questions but still like to talk/chat on these BB's. I think you help a lot of good people and you stick your necks out when you "try' and make a diagnosis with incomplete or even faulty information. If I do not give sufficient info. please ask and I'll supply more.
I do want to apologize to the first person who posted an answer/suggestion LRAC. I am sorry if I have insulted, ticked off, or said anything that was plain mean. I hope you accept my apology, if not I understand. Thank you everyone for posting replys and striking up conversation. I hope if I ask any other questions you will help me make the call fix it or pay someone who is qualified to do it.

03-02-2007, 01:54 AM
Hey ELECTROCOOLMAN, is the factory still in the same place as it was in 1993? I may have a trip to the UK for 3-4 days Next spring (08) would like to tour that facility again! Are you coming back to Destin any time soon?? Better get here before Hurricane season!! Ha ha ha We are suppose to get sleet this WEEKEND, it's not suppose to do that in FLA!

03-02-2007, 05:48 PM
Hi Brian,
Yes I don't think they've moved but will find out for you.

As to Destin, no plans in the pipeline. Lately we've been migrating towards Tucson and Phoenix.....with the kids grown up the need for a beach holiday has receeded like the hair!


04-02-2007, 03:40 AM
When you get to AZ, I can set up with a great place to eat my Father's youngest brother has a resturant in Prescott! Mighty fine eating!!! Let me know when your heading out and I'll tell him to treat you right!