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View Full Version : R12 to R22 changing

26-01-2007, 01:09 PM
Hi im new member to here.

i want convert my exiting chilling system run by R12 to R22 gas . is it possible to run same compressor by R22 ? what are important things ( modification ) to change to get same chilling capacity ?

any one can explain detaily ?

26-01-2007, 02:21 PM
Hi gspssk

You will need to inform us as to what compressor you have.

When converting to R22 ( don't know why you could use R413a) may involve re-sizing pipework and definately you will need a bigger condenser.

Please advise the forum on more information please and why you want to use R22.


Sorry changed my avator again seamed more apt for a lonely life as a fridge guy with no office back up!

old gas bottle
26-01-2007, 04:08 PM
bad move for lots of reasons that will take an age to type, spend your time reseaching the best drop in available for the application,your refrigerant supplier will help you,

john howie
26-01-2007, 09:11 PM
hi gspssk
old gas bottle is right.get a drop in.is it worth it. remember their phazing 22 out

27-01-2007, 07:27 AM
Compressor can't handle the additional load associated with R22 and asLrac said, much bigger condensor.
And, your evaporator isn't designed for this.

28-01-2007, 07:45 AM
Is this for the same plant where you want the duct calculation?

02-02-2007, 04:34 PM
R 134A is usually recommended for a drop in for R12.You will need to watch out for seal compatability and oil compatability as they tend to break down with R134A.I agree don't consider R22 as this out.You could consider R407c but you may as well design a new sytem.Best bet is a drop in.

02-02-2007, 10:18 PM
Hi, Wkd :)

Welcome to RE

R 134A is usually recommended for a drop in for R12.You will need to watch out for seal compatability and oil compatability as they tend to break down with R134A.I agree don't consider R22 as this out.You could consider R407c but you may as well design a new sytem.Best bet is a drop in.

You have been very busy today, with a lot of good posts, 12 actually until now :) , thanks.

Please can you tell us something more about yourself in New to RE.

What kind of tests are you performing?

Best regards, Josip :)

02-02-2007, 11:34 PM
R 134A is usually recommended for a drop in for R12..

Uh! this is NOT a drop in

The MG Pony
03-02-2007, 04:50 AM
Well it is a drop in after an oil change ;) and some slight adjustments