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View Full Version : Africa's newest fridge!

Stuart Ginbey
02-04-2002, 03:00 PM
:D Hi Everyone,
Just thought I'd take a moment to say G'Day and introduce myself to the forum.Congrats to all for the varied input.
A funny story about refrigeration that I have, took place when I was recently out in Tanzania doing some voluntary work on a health and enviromental based program.We were located in a village approximately 4 hours bus ride from the nearest shops and hence there was no electricity or clean water for miles around.We would have to pay the bus boy's to bring us back a crate of beers and soft drinks every couple of weeks.The problem we had was that the beer would be at about 30+'C and being an Aussie,considered this a criminal offence.So I set upon finding some way to build myself a fridge.
After much thought,what I came up with, was based on the idea of evaporative water coolers that we use for cheap airconditioning
back home in Aus.I took four chairs and placed them back to back, leaving a square area in the middle.Actually one of them was the other way around to make shelf.I then placed a saucepan full of water at the top of the chairs and layed two large sheets of material (crossed) across the saucepan and down the sides of the chairs.Allowing the material to drape into the water, it then acted as a wick and cyphoned the water down the side of the chairs.Placing this in a shaded area the cool breeze would blow through the wet material,cooling it even further and thus cooling my beer.The locals thought I was mad but it actually worked.Once again I was a happy man!
The only problem was,my placement finished three days later and I had to go home.

02-04-2002, 09:18 PM
What sort of temperatures did you achieve? I like my beer at around 5deg C and I can assure you that it doesn't get the chance to absorb too much excess heat!!!:D

02-04-2002, 10:03 PM
Thats cause you're a piss-head Frank LOL. But then again, you do need to get in some practice for the 12th night.....oh boy weez gonna be wrecked man.

What about kidnappin Kev an holdin him to ransom...we'll get the bast*rd back...might get £2.50 for him!

C U soon brother fridge type guy


Stuart Ginbey
03-04-2002, 06:38 AM
I've got no idea of the actual temp. but it certainly had a chill on it.Much better than straight out of the crate which was sitting in the sun.You do get used to it being warm, so maybe that was a factor.I thought this could probably be a good idea for the locals to store their meat in.Not ideal I know,but at least it would keep it cool-er and keep the flies off it.At the moment,any meat they get the chance to have, goes off in about a day.It would cost them nothing to make and any improvements to health would obviously be beneficial.

03-04-2002, 08:11 PM
with all the excess heat in australia surely someone could come up with a design for a sun powered absorbtion chill cabinet?

maybe i've got the start of my riches here! - if only i could get my brain to work!!!!:D

05-04-2002, 04:01 PM
Well, Stuart--That is a very GOOD idea!! I am in America, but it certainly gets hot here!! I think that I will throw away my fridge, and just use my kitchen chairs and some shets instead!! Saves money AND repairs! lol :)