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View Full Version : DAIKIN - Weybridge: How to get a Quote.

Makeit go Right
02-11-2006, 05:09 PM
I seem to get wound up each time I call Daikin, and so I avoid calling them up, unless I really have to, these days. Well that's been the way since they moved over to Weybridge.

But, I needed a Daikin quote today and braved myself again...

Rang them up….
“Hello, how can I help you?”
Me: “Hello, is this Reception, or Sales, please?”
“This is SALES, yes. How can I help you?”
Me: “I need a quotation for multi-split systems.”
“Okay. What’s the details, please?”
And, off I go, listing out all the details of the systems, etc etc etc. She asked a couple of pertinent questions about which FCUs I wanted, etc. Fair enough.
“What is your company name?”
Told her that
“Do you have an account with us?”
“What’s the postcode?”
Told her that.
“Hold on a moment, please.” .
………………………………………….……………… (A minute passes by)
“Hello?” {new lady voice….bit like a fish-seller.}
Me: “Oh hello. I was just talking to a lady about a quotation.”
“What’s the details, please?”
Me: “Er, well, I just went over it all with the other person, is she dealing with this?” (confusion).
“She is in SALES, I am in APPLICATIONS.” {Said to me in a tone of “You Dummy! Stop wasting my time and answer my question!”}
Me: “Er, I’m a bit confused. If I need a quotation surely SALES takes care of that, yes?”
“What’s the details, please?” {contemptuous tone of “You Plonker!”}
Me: “Wait a minute. I want to understand what happens when I call up for a quotation…what is the procedure?”
The woman was really getting pissed off at having to answer this boring question and expressed it heavily in the answer: “When you call up you should ask for APPLICATIONS. APPLICATIONS deals with quotations. SALES deal with progress of orders.”
Me: “Oh, okay. Why didn’t the first lady just transfer me to APPLICATIONS at the start, when I asked for a quotation?”
“What’s the details, please?” {back to contemptuous tone of “You Plonker!”}
Well, it went on from there, painfully, and I finally dragged out the info I needed…..and thanked her.

Anyway, moral of the story:

1) If you want a quotation from Daikin, call the number and ask for APPLICATIONS.

Don’t ask for SALES (like you would with every other company in the UK), because they will just meticulously take down all your details and, afterwards, send you on to APPLICATIONS, who will take all your details again from the beginning, if you can keep your patience with them.

2) If you have ordered something and want to know when it is to be delivered etc, you need to ask for SALES. SALES deals with the contracts/progress etc.

3) I didn’t find out which department deals with invoices. However, if I ever get into that situation again (well, I won’t be buying their kit again unless I really have to – yes I am annoyed), I’m going to be real sure that ACCOUNTS is the right department to ask for as soon as the first person picks up.

Obi Wan
02-11-2006, 08:17 PM
Have you tried the other mob at Spaceair. Sales is sales, applications is applications and accounts is accounts.

Makeit go Right
02-11-2006, 11:46 PM
Good point.

I used to use Space about 5-6 years ago. Didn't have any probs then. Think I will.

03-11-2006, 05:34 PM
Things used to run far better when there were pillinger,macqueen and that other mob oh and space. Space must be selling alot of kit or daikin would just take them out of the loop hole.

03-11-2006, 06:08 PM
Things used to run far better when there were pillinger,macqueen and that other mob oh and space. Space must be selling alot of kit or daikin would just take them out of the loop hole.

Neils' a canny bloke but he's no spring chicken. So personally I'd have thought he'd consider selling out by now although I think there is conflict between them but he deals with Daikin Europe not Daikin UK. There are rumours and counter rumours about who's going to take over whom but in the end if Daikin want Space then it's easily done.

I remember a old established BMW dealer in Gloucester which when BMW themselves opened in Cheltenham (far trendier) it still had 90% of the local business (better service and no snobby salesmen...) and that upset BMW. Their only solution was to get him out of the way. They stopped his stock, refused spares, called in invoices, stitsched him up with warrenty payments and generally made life difficult. He fought it but eventually then bankrupted him and took his house

the BMW dealership in Gloucester was no more... :-/

A salutary lesson for our chain smoking friend..However he's a canny operator and they will need to play the long ball game to get rid of him..however 20 million turnover is a lot of splits and history has shown that shutting down dealers and taking it in house isn't always the best option...



Obi Wan
03-11-2006, 11:52 PM
Hello Richard,

I think its all a question of market share. Daikin Europe is more interested in there market share in the UK. With out Space and in the current sorry state Daikin UK is in, they would have seen there market share drop. I don't think Space will ever be as big as Daikin UK, but they are better then DUK. They deliver when they say they will, There techy blokes always call you back and are very helpful. If Daikin did drop Space, and Space took up a different manufacture,what would happen to Daikin's market share in the UK?
If anything, all of this has given Space a kick up the ass, to reorganise, streemline and become more efficient.


Obi Wan

04-11-2006, 01:05 PM
Neils' a canny bloke but he's no spring chicken. So personally I'd have thought he'd consider selling out by now although I think there is conflict between them but he deals with Daikin Europe not Daikin UK. There are rumours and counter rumours about who's going to take over whom but in the end if Daikin want Space then it's easily done.

I remember a old established BMW dealer in Gloucester which when BMW themselves opened in Cheltenham (far trendier) it still had 90% of the local business (better service and no snobby salesmen...) and that upset BMW. Their only solution was to get him out of the way. They stopped his stock, refused spares, called in invoices, stitsched him up with warrenty payments and generally made life difficult. He fought it but eventually then bankrupted him and took his house

the BMW dealership in Gloucester was no more... :-/

A salutary lesson for our chain smoking friend..However he's a canny operator and they will need to play the long ball game to get rid of him..however 20 million turnover is a lot of splits and history has shown that shutting down dealers and taking it in house isn't always the best option...



I heard that Neil was offered a tidy wedge and a place on the board at Daikin Europe but Neil being Neil, he told them to stuff it.

Just back from the Prague trip with Space - excellent Company to work with :)

One of the Directors from Space was also on the trip - he mentioned that every time Neil visits the factory in Ostend he deliberately parks in the MD's parking spot just to annoy them. You've got to admire the man. Turnover at Space is up over £28m and rising


04-11-2006, 02:51 PM
I like their imaginative approach to Daikin kit and it's application. A lot of innovation and stuff which D.U.K simply won't or cannot provide is a real bonus.

However the rottwilliers in the accounts dept are a real pain but I guess that's what keeps him in ciggies



Obi Wan
05-11-2006, 10:30 PM
The rottweilers in accounts are really nice people once you get to know them ( or pay your bill on time). Anyway they never said they are a registered charity.

Obi Wan

17-11-2006, 10:11 PM
[I think that Daikin are a great company. They have made a lot of changes in the past year and a few teething problems are to be expected, my level of service from all the staff especially internal sales has always been exceptional. Its obvious that any company making changes and progressing at the rate of Daikin are going to have a few hic-cups however its obviously not that much of a deal to all of us loyal customers as they are still NUMBER ONE in the UK and Europe (so must be doing something right) and I do not see that changing. I would just like to see other manafacturers try and make these kind of transitions as smoothly as what Daikin have done!!

Makeit go Right
18-11-2006, 06:14 PM
Well, I think things have changed a bit since the original post, above. I had to call again yesterday and the person answering said, "Good afternoon, Sales." Ah, but I was on guard now...."Can you put me through to APPLICATIONS, please, I'd like a quotation for A/C kit?" "What is it? I can deal with that." Me: "Er, well, you're not going to take all my details and then send me through to APPLICATIONS, are you, and then I have to repeat it all again to them from the top?" "No" And true to his word he did deal with the query. I guess the Daikin chaps are listening in, and trying to improve this aspect of their service. That can't be bad if that's the case - they make more orders/profit and we get better service. Sounds good.

Makeit go Right
25-04-2007, 08:44 PM
Well, I think things have changed a bit since the original post, above. I had to call again yesterday and the person answering said, "Good afternoon, Sales." Ah, but I was on guard now...."Can you put me through to APPLICATIONS, please, I'd like a quotation for A/C kit?" "What is it? I can deal with that." Me: "Er, well, you're not going to take all my details and then send me through to APPLICATIONS, are you, and then I have to repeat it all again to them from the top?" "No" And true to his word he did deal with the query. I guess the Daikin chaps are listening in, and trying to improve this aspect of their service. That can't be bad if that's the case - they will get more orders/profit and we get better service. Sounds good.

Just thought I'd add a trailer to this string....Things are much better nowadays; when I call up it all falls into place nicely and I can get a quote or the info I need, etc.

25-04-2007, 08:50 PM
Glad to hear it MgR, it's good when a plan comes together.