View Full Version : Retarder Prover Design/Specification

27-10-2006, 11:19 AM
Hi all, can anyone help?

I'm in process of designing a replacement retarder prover for my local bakery and need to 'size' the evaporators correctly. To get even air circulation I think that two evaporators are required (that what the current unit has). The room is 2 x 1.2 x 2(h) meters and holds up to 3 trolleys.

Obviously high humidity is the key whilst retarding (cooling) and holding to prevent 'skinning' of the dough and products . During proving steam is added to raise the humidity and temperature, I don't think steam is added whilst cooling though.

Are 'flooded' evaporators the answer (What exactly is a flooded evaporator? - is it a term for low superheat?) or should they be oversized to bring the temperature down rapidly?

Any help here much appreciated.

Thanks, Adrian

27-10-2006, 01:56 PM
i have designed DRP equipment for 2 of the biggest manufacturers in the UK. Can you give me your email and i will give you a specification

28-10-2006, 09:32 AM
i have designed DRP equipment for 2 of the biggest manufacturers in the UK. Can you give me your email and i will give you a specification

Your from norfolk eh?-I wonder who 'the 2' could be..



18-11-2006, 12:06 PM
I built a 1 door retarder / prover many years ago it was quite simple and we used a standard small drop in unit for the retard side of the job . The tricky bit was the auto-switch over and prover side of the system .
Prover was just a stainless tank with water float to top up the water and a 2400 Watt heater in the water , Carel humidity sensor & controller to keep humidity constant. A panel on the side , inside over the steam tank to circulate the steam over the product . The trickiest bit is the electrical , my electrician wished he used a PLC in the end but he did it with standard relays through the carel and some timers .
No steam while refrigeration is running , all the retarder side does is hold the stock until the timer says OK now its prove time and brings in the prover 1 hour before the baker gets to work,
Good Luck

24-11-2006, 12:32 AM
Many thanks Toolman. Adrian

25-11-2006, 10:47 PM
Hi , glad to help ask me anything else you need on that one as we built this unit and its been chugging away for over 4 years without a hitch . The water inlet float jammed on Friday and was easily fixed would you believe this occurred after you asked about provers . I havent spoken to that customer in over 3 years - maybe we jinxed it ?:confused: