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View Full Version : Parasense!!!

21-10-2006, 10:18 PM
I know this threads been on before,but i`d like to have another go.Sainbury`s are going through a process of converting all their stores over to "pqa" parasense monitoring which basically monitors product temperature rather than cabinet temperature but still using the existing "cabinet temperature" facilities.the problem that we are facing is thus:the alarm parameters have now changed to -18 from -15.this should`nt be a problem you might say!! but 2 yars ago we had to go around every site and find a way of saving money and adjust every pack to run in a way that it benefits the above cause.this is my problem:all frozen coldstores run at -21 and my cabinets -23.due to age of equipment we are maintaining and trying to keep within the limits of electrical consumption,how is this possible?everytime i change setpoints the company is informed and the store is then subject of an energy "overusage" but its the only way to keep things tickitiboo.Does any one else have this problem?and do you think it is a worthwhile cause? because if it works in sainsburys it could end up in all supermarkets. Am i boring??:)

22-10-2006, 04:53 PM
We had similar expeiences at Asda. They got a company in to manage the energy consumption and adjusted all the settings, put timers on the comps to delay starting and generaly makeing a mess of things. We had to follow them round and change all the settings back. We had to change the set points of the discharge and suction pressures a few years ago and we had no end of liquid migation problems and over condensing.
Cheers taz.