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View Full Version : your opinons on fujitsu please

31-07-2006, 08:45 PM
Going for interview tomorrow and just looked up the company. They seem to specialise in fujitsu a/c. As said in other threads, we tend to prefer whatever units we work on most ,so,if anyone has any info on fujitsu i would appreciate hearing from you.
Are there any particular problems you come up against?
what are the general running pressures?
most of all, how easy are they to work with?

you all know the format, i just need filling in on fujitsu.


31-07-2006, 09:14 PM
Going for interview tomorrow and just looked up the company. They seem to specialise in fujitsu a/c. As said in other threads, we tend to prefer whatever units we work on most ,so,if anyone has any info on fujitsu i would appreciate hearing from you.
Are there any particular problems you come up against?
what are the general running pressures?
most of all, how easy are they to work with?

you all know the format, i just need filling in on fujitsu.


Hi acgibo (funny name :D )

Why not be honest at the interview and tell them that you are good engineer but lacking on specific product training with Fujitsu. This would certainly cut more ice with me as I'm prepared to help anyone who works for me but has a lack of knowledge rather than some idiot that comes for the job and has a " I know it all" attitude.

We can't all specialise in all areas - the trade's too diverse for that, and I've not met anyone yet, me included, that has in depth knowledge of all types of kit out there in the market place. We all learn something every day - honesty is the best policy. :)

If you try to make out you know all about Fuji when you don't you will come unstuck at some stage. Is it worth losing the job later on because you misled them at interview????

31-07-2006, 09:38 PM
Installed our first in a year -indoor pcb u/s..



31-07-2006, 10:58 PM
I do agree Frank, I do like to be as honest as possible, especially in interview. I was more wondering if people find fujitsu particularly problematic. I wouldnt want to take on more than i could chew..

Although i am far from a baby nowdays -lol- I am relatively new to the trade, and yes the company have seen a true CV, so as yet havent got as diverse a background as i would like.
What would be nice is if the company say they will be prepared to send me to some manufacturers for these training/sales days they do.

oh, and as for the name... it was just an easy one to remember for logging in:D

nick clark
01-08-2006, 04:45 PM
do not class them at top of air con
all the best nick

01-08-2006, 07:14 PM
So, acgibo

How did the interview go? :)

Please share

01-08-2006, 10:08 PM
well lets say it wasnt what i was expecting Frank. interview was set up by Hayes, who didnt give me any info other than company name......
i now know why.
the company do things like fridges-BABY fridges, small walk in cold rooms, hotplates, grills, deep friers etc.

I was expecting an ac company:confused:

good old hayes.

still, they pay what i call proper OT rates, ie time half and double time. on call one in five with £50 retainer,
no tracker on the van and the owners seem like good blokes so if they offer the right salary i MIGHT be tempted into another direction.

i do enjoy the ac though, havent been doing it long and already ive learned so much. just the company im with now are not nice to work for and dont pay enough for what they ask of us.

same **** as most others though i suppose lol.:)

02-08-2006, 07:42 AM
well lets say it wasnt what i was expecting Frank.
the company do things like hotplates, grills, deep friers etc.
same **** as most others though i suppose lol.:)

Do you really want to work on greasy hot plates and smelly deep fat friers?

Don't forget that the grass ALWAYS looks greener on the other side but rarely is ;)

02-08-2006, 09:26 PM
enough said mate !!!!!!!!

thats my mind made up.:D

12-08-2006, 04:15 PM
on my experiance fuji are bottom of the market. not reliable plus cheap and nasty

A/C student
12-08-2006, 07:34 PM
I know im late is saying this, plus im realy new to the forums. Having only been in Aircon just over 12 months, Ive worked on systems ranging from good old Mitsi and Daikin to bleh Fujitsu and Toshiba among others.

Fuji are perhaps the cheapest and most unreliable kit ive ever come across. The systems are just poorly made and most of the time poorly installed too.

So even though its late. Fujitsu - Avoid where possible lol

Makeit go Right
23-08-2006, 09:09 PM
I sent a maint engineer into deal with a Fujitsu wall mount, that had been installed a year ago. The pump was fed from the signal mains line, rather than permanently fed and there were leaks at the end of the day soon after the unit was shut off using the remote. So, poor install, rather than equipment criticism.....so far.

Well, our man needed to get into the thing but could not get the facial panel off. (He's been in the game for 20 years, so there was something amiss here). He was at it for a good hour trying everything to get the thing off. Faxed him the instruction manual etc with the whole scoop on how to remove the facia panel, but no way could he get it off, for fear of snapping the thing.

I’m into plan-B, now that I know I can get a new facia panel. He will just have to go for it and if it breaks, it breaks, and we spend £30 on a new facia.

I don't know if it is fair to criticise the manufacturer of the unit, not until we do the autopsy, but it was a Fujitsu ASY18L inverter.

I must say I had considered Fujitsu in the middle band, rather than the bottom deck, but bow to the greater understanding of repair engineers with experience of their kit.

monkey spanners
23-08-2006, 10:14 PM
We mostly fit fujitsu and panasonic and don't really have a problem with reliability. We've only had two failures in the three years since we went self employed, both panasonic, one indoor circuit board in the one i fitted in my parents house and a pipe temp thermistor. Probhably jinxed them all now! Worst unit i fitted was a delonghi cassette which looked like it had been made by some bloke in his garden shed, hanging holes were'nt as per instructions. Found a two core cable with a plug cabletied to compressor when i removed the cover to wire it, then found the matching socket in indoor unit after we had sealed hole in the wall and put all the tiles back. no mention of it in the instructions. Ha Ha
cheer Jon

25-08-2009, 09:39 PM
mitsi heavy rule

26-08-2009, 01:50 AM
Mitsu and Daikin are top-notch I'd say. What we find on the States side (and I'm sure its no different on the other side of the Pond) is that "you get what you pay for". Cheaper people tend to hire cheaper installers to install cheaper crap (Fujitsu). A fujitsu installed by a hack with a torch in the back of his station-wagon who thinks he's an "A" mechanic has disaster written all over it. It's doomed from the beginning. Fujitsu is garbage, but the hacks that put it in just make it worse.

26-08-2009, 10:08 AM
Fujitsu is garbage, but the hacks that put it in just make it worse.

What is your database to say that Fujitsu is garbage, or you just expressing your subjective opinion?
Could it be because of lack of knowledge of peoples involved in its installation, maintenance and servicing instead of blaming very good product which is competitive in any way with those you mentioned.

26-08-2009, 04:35 PM
Hi acgibo (funny name :D )

Why not be honest at the interview and tell them that you are good engineer but lacking on specific product training with Fujitsu. This would certainly cut more ice with me as I'm prepared to help anyone who works for me but has a lack of knowledge rather than some idiot that comes for the job and has a " I know it all" attitude.

We can't all specialise in all areas - the trade's too diverse for that, and I've not met anyone yet, me included, that has in depth knowledge of all types of kit out there in the market place. We all learn something every day - honesty is the best policy. :)

If you try to make out you know all about Fuji when you don't you will come unstuck at some stage. Is it worth losing the job later on because you misled them at interview????

Excellent advice Frank.


26-08-2009, 05:02 PM
I know im late is saying this, plus im realy new to the forums. Having only been in Aircon just over 12 months, Ive worked on systems ranging from good old Mitsi and Daikin to bleh Fujitsu and Toshiba among others.

Fuji are perhaps the cheapest and most unreliable kit ive ever come across. The systems are just poorly made and most of the time poorly installed too.

So even though its late. Fujitsu - Avoid where possible lol

I have worked on lots of Fujitsu kit and found it to be very reliable.
I personally carry out technical support work on behalf of two a/c manufacturers and most faults are caused by poor instalation and lack of product knowledge.


26-08-2009, 05:06 PM
What is your database to say that Fujitsu is garbage, or you just expressing your subjective opinion?
Could it be because of lack of knowledge of peoples involved in its installation, maintenance and servicing instead of blaming very good product which is competitive in any way with those you mentioned.

Not that I have worked on many Fujitsu systems (and I'm sitting on the fence on this one anyway), but sometimes we engineers judge a system based on how easy it is to access the parts and trouble shoot a problem. If you are used to working on Daikin, for example, then suddenly get lumbered with a different unit make and don't know how it comes apart, it's immediately "annoying and garbage"!! :p