View Full Version : Operation theater

13-11-2023, 12:48 PM
What is the experience of using VRF outdoor unit with DX AHU for air conditioning an operation theater. Is there any reason that dictated this combination as inferior to that of Air Cooled Chiller with Chilled water AHU.

10-12-2023, 04:27 PM
Can you go low enough for - I guess - surgical operating room?
If so, will filtering on a standard VRF unit sufficient?

11-12-2023, 02:41 AM
Depends on what you're trying to do?? it'd be ok for around the theatre to maintain the temperature but not ideal for air introduced at or around the operating table itself. I highly recommend researching the applicable codes for this as pressure gradients from theatre to prep room may be required and a close control temperature/rh band and specific air quality (airborne particulates) may be required for introducing air into the theatre

Some may require as many as 20 ac/h and have an anti bacterial/viral capability,