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View Full Version : Introduction from Australia

Andy McGill
08-07-2006, 04:11 AM
G'day to you all.

I am Andy McGill and I live in Sydney, Australia.

I have been an electronics technician in most fields for the past 35 years. The past 9 years I have been involved in medical, mainly with hospitals. This involved repairing and servicing medical equipment including medical gases.

In a weeks time I will be starting with Lomb Scientific. This will involve setting up a workshop and repairing their scientific research equipment. One of their products is Nuaire ultra low freezers. Even though I consider myself capable, I am unable legally to repair the gas circuits.

I am after as much information as I can get on cascade (dual stage) refrigeration. I am also seeking the services of an experienced engineer in this field.

Andy McGill

US Iceman
08-07-2006, 05:24 AM
HI Andy,

Welcome to the RE forums. We have some members on this site who have a lot of experience on these systems.

Please feel free to ask questions and contribute to the posts.

Best Regards,
US Iceman

12-07-2006, 12:09 PM
Hi Andy,
wel come to the forum.

I suppose you are a highly experienced person.

Can you specify the temperature of your Ultra Lo Freezer, Permissible variation of temp., Size of the cabinet & the application or its utility.

What sort of help you want.