View Full Version : Beware the Pareto Frontier Scam

21-12-2022, 03:22 AM
This topic informs people about a scam called Pareto Frontier. People in the engineering community are probably already aware of a guy named Jonathan Beaudeau. Those who don't already know, Jonathan Beaudeau is a fake engineer who has been conning the engineering community in the States. He started a false company called Pareto Frontier, which is a front for a fake "consulting business." In actuality, he charges engineering companies and then gives them useless advice. When people ask for a refund, he goes silent. Jonathan Beaudeau is a professional conman. He is not a real PhD. In fact, he doesn't even have a degree.

If you ever come across a guy named Jonathan Beaudeau or anyone associated with him, please be advised that they are scammers.