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View Full Version : Aircon on Solar, need basic infos in general

22-06-2020, 12:16 PM
I bought for my carravan a portable Aircon.
10,000 BTU 1,300 Watt.
Idea : Would it run on Solar?
1st test : check the aircon with a energy meter and .... the 1,300 Watt aircon sucks only 650 watt? That is 50%? Why?

The rest of the technic : at the moment I use 2x110 watt solar panel on a 65Ah deep circle battery.

IF I would try to run such a aircon with a inverter on a 12V Battery......what would I need?

1,300 watt aircon who sucks only 650 watt would need ..... ????? a 1,500 watt inverter or 2,000 watt or 3,000 watt?
And what type of battery/batter pack would I need to use the aircon .....8 or 10 or 12 hours?

My solar panels are too much for the battery.
I know that.
I choosed them for the case they are dirty or we have clouds or similar problems so I wouldn't have the full power but still get the battery loaded.

Anybody has a idea about it?

08-07-2020, 07:58 AM
I hope you have found an aircon mechanic to solve this problem